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财政与公共管理学院前身为财政税务系始建于1984年6月,2001年7月组建学院,2016年设立税务学院,2019年12月合并为财政与公共管理学院。学院为中国财政学会、全国高校财政学教学研究会、中国税收教育研究会、中国行政管理学会和中国劳动经济学研究会等学术团体理事单位,以及黑龙江省公共关系学会会长和省公共管理学副会会长单位,黑龙江省经济学会、管理学会、财政学会和税务学会等常务理事单位;拥有黑龙江省公共政策和现代服务业创新智库、黑龙江省哲学与社会科学研究基地财政税务研究基地和黑龙江省公共财政与管理研究生培养创新研究基地。 u1!1od6:8yU4+5R

学院设有财政学、税收学、行政管理、劳动与社会保障4个本科专业,其中财政学(含税务)为省级重点专业、一流专业和省级重点学科;拥有公共管理一级学科(含行政管理、社会保障、教育经济与管理)、财政学、劳动经济学硕士学位和税务、资产评估专业硕士学位授予权,以及财政学、劳动经济学博士学位授予权;拥有财政学、公共管理、劳动经济学3个省级领军人才梯队;拥有《财政学》《劳动经济学》《公共政策学》3门省级精品建设课程。 Q5=7OD3~9vl1:9l

学院设有财政学、税收学、行政管理、劳动与社会保障教研室和专业模拟实验室,以及财税研究中心(含财政税务研究所、公共管理研究所)等机构。现有教师65人(兼职14人),其中高级职称教师46人(教授27人),博士教师38人(博士后13人);省级领军人才梯队带头人、后备带头人8人;享受国务院特殊津贴专家2人、省级教学名师1人、研究生导师44人(博导教师12人)。 n8;8rP7;4Pz4.1i

学院教师2016-2020年编写著述42部,其中专著23部;在省级以上刊物发表论文410余篇,其中EI、ISTP、CSSCI和北大核心期刊论文50余篇;承担省部级以上课题30余项,其中国家级3项;获省部级以上教学、科研奖励10余项,其中获一等奖5项。 K4-7eA,?5YK1=3r

学院毕业生累计10700余人,大部分已成为业务骨干乃至走上了领导岗位,深受用人单位好评。在校生1640余人,其中硕博研究生203人。目前全院师生以良好的精神风貌,按照“治学唯实、理财为公”的院训和“团结、稳定、务实、创新、争优”的目标,为实现学院在省内乃至国内同类院系的领先目标而努力奋斗。 k7.6BF59sg1~5u

(2020.12) k2.4qY6:1sp1~2I

Brief Introduction to the School of Public Finance and Administration B9=6bM5:7lz5-7A

The School of Public Finance and Administration, which initiated as the Department of Public Finance and Taxation in June 1984 and was formally set up in July 2001. In December 2019, it was merged into the School of Public Finance and Administration. It is not only the Managing Director Unit of National Association of Public Finance Education the National University Finance Teaching Research Association and China Taxation Education Research Association ,but also the Director Unit of China Public Administration Society and China Labor Economics Research Association. Additionally, it is also the President of Heilongjiang Provincial Public Relations Society and Vice President of Provincial Public Administration Unit and the number unit of Heilongjiang Province Economic Association, Management Association, Administration Association, Public Finance Association and Taxation Association; It now has Heilongjiang Provincial Public and Modern Service Industry Innovation Think Tank and two Heilongjiang Province Philosophy and Social Science bases, i.e., Public Finance and Taxation Research Base and Innovation Base for Public Finance and Administration Postgraduates Cultivation. Y4+5EC1?5HJ1.5r

The school overall has set 4 majors for bachelor degree, such as Public Finance, Asset Management and Evaluation, Taxation, Administration, Labor and Social Security. The major of Public Finance and Taxation is the Province-level key discipline and major; The school also has the authority to give the master degree for the Senior Subjects of Administration, Social Security and Educational Economics and Management, Public Finance, Labor Economics, Master of Tax and Master of Valuation. It also has PhD programs for Public Finance and Labor Economics; This school has 3 provincial-level leading talent echelons in the fields of Public Finance, Administration and Labor Economics and 3 provincial-level quality construction courses: “Public Finance, Labor Economics and Public Policy” i3+,MJ9:8mK5+7n

The school has set teaching and research sections and professional simulation laboratories for public finance and tax, administration and labor and social security. Besides, the school also has set research institutes for public finance, taxation and administration. There exist overall 65 teachers including 14 part-time teachers, and 46 teachers own high-grade professional titles, most importantly 27 of them are professors. 38 teachers own PhD , and 13 of them are post-doctorates; We also have 8 leaders and reserve leaders of provincial leading talent echelons.; Besides, 2 experts at our school are enjoying the State Council Special Expert Allowance, 1 provincial-level teaching teacher, 44 postgraduate tours,including12 doctoral tutors. p4+5vY5+2WB,-1V

In 2016-2020, 42 books have been written, including 23monographs, and over 410 papers have been published in provincial issue, among which more than 50 papers have been indexed by EI, ISTP or CSSCI, and over 30 papers have been collected by Press and Information Center of RUC and related library and memoir, 30 scientific research projects have been finished including 3 national projects. More than 10 provincial prizes have been awarded for outstanding teaching achievements and outstanding scientific research achievements, including 5 first prizes. u4.40B9:3no6:8x

Until now, more than10,700 students have been graduated from this school, and most of them have become the backbones or leaders in their work places which are highly praised by their employers. At present, more than 1,640 students are absorbing knowledge in the school, including 203 postgraduates and PhD students. Under the discipline of Pursuing Knowledge Honestly, Conducting Finance Justly, and the goal of Harmoniousness, Stability, Pragmatism, Innovation and progressiveness, the college is struggling for the leading position among the peers inside and outside the province. V82Vy5?7IZ5+4X

School of Public Finance and Administration, HUC t1.9yz,?8uZ8?2s

(MAY 2020) L89qZ3:2tA7;,B



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