Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of China E5!8wI,-9bE3?6M
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of China is a non-profit national general aviation organization, one of the 78 affiliates of International Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilot Associations(IAOPA) and its sole legitimate representative(including Taiwan,Macau and Hong Kong) in China,following the guidance and regulations from IAOPA.Approved by the State Council and registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2004, AOPA-China is under the supervision of Civil Aviation Administration of China(CAAC). w9.8oT6?4sg4?,Y
International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations A,.9lQ3~5Fa6?2e
IAOPA is a nonprofit federation of 78 autonomous, nongovernmental, national general aviation organizations. IAOPA has represented international general aviation for nearly 50 years. l9!6De4-2CM5=,L
The combined total of individuals represented by these constituent member groups of IAOPA is over 470,000 pilots, who fly general aviation aircraft for business and personal transportation. R3!7Nc74ds3;1j