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China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd

锁定 排行
China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited, China Taiping for short, was established in Shanghai in 1929. It is the longest-operating national insurance brand in Chinese history and the only state-owned financial enterprise that has its management h
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China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd网站详情

China Taiping Insurance Group Ltd简介

China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited, China Taiping for short, was established in Shanghai in 1929. It is the longest-operating national insurance brand in Chinese history and the only state-owned financial enterprise that has its management headquarters overseas. W8:20v4=7Dr5!1s

China Taiping originated from the three large national brands the Taiping Insurance Company, the China Insurance Company and Ming An Insurance. In 1956, the China Insurance Company and the Taiping Insurance Company suspended domestic operations according to unified national deployment and started specializing in insurance services in Hong Kong and Macao and overseas.In 1999, all state-owned insurance organizations operating overseas were incorporated into China Insurance International Holdings.In 2000, it was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, becoming the first Chinese insurance company listed overseas.In 2001, domestic operations were resumed under the Taiping brand.In 2009, the three large brands of China Insurance, Taiping and Ming An were conglomerated and renamed as China Taiping Insurance Co Ltd. In 2011, it came under the administration of the central government and was upgraded as a vice-ministerial-level central financial enterprise.In 2013, it was successfully restructured and reformed, listed as a whole entity and officially renamed as China Taiping Insurance Holdings Company Limited. Z6.7sc5+1ZF6=9K

China Taiping inherits its red genes and devotion to the nation; based in Hong Kong, operating transnationally and servicing the world.In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee and the State Council, China Taiping has developed rapidly, rising into the Fortune Global 500 for the third consecutive year, listing at 392.In 2020, China Taiping recorded total premiums exceeding 200 billion yuan, with operating revenue of 244.6 billion, total assets of 981.8 billion and asset under management over 1.77 trillion to become an enterprise boasting over 500,000 domestic and overseas staff, 24 subsidiaries and over 2,000 large-scale transnational finance and insurance groups of differing levels. Business operations cover various countries and regions including the Chinese mainland, Chinese Hong Kong, Chinese Macau, Europe, Oceania, Eat Asia and South East Asia; and a business scope that covers life insurance, property insurance, pensions, reinsurance, reinsurance brokerage as well as insurance brokerage, online insurance, asset management, securities brokerage, financial leasing, real estate investment, the old-age medical and health industry, and other fields.At present, China Taiping is the most complete management system for insurance services in China and is the most distinctive insurance institution for its international characteristics; primarily combining insurance, investment and industry, and enjoying synergetic development domestically and internationally. r3~1wV5+3wc6;7t

During the 14th Five-Year Plan, based on this new developmental stage, China Taiping will implement this new developmental philosophy, develop new services and adhere to the overall demands to meet "central expectations, customer oriented, innovation-oriented and value oriented", positively serve the national strategic goals and people's livelihood, promote "dual circulation", safeguard the "one country, two systems" policy and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao. We will implement the developmental philosophy of "Sharing Taiping" and open a new chapter in the pages of high-quality development to create an U5!1lF1+5jj5~4b




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