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China Re Group is the only state-owned reinsurance group in China. In terms of reinsurance premium income, it ranks first in Asia. It possesses profound cultural basis, leading industry position and extensive brand influence.
  • 网站名称中再集团英文版
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  • 网站地址 eng.chinare.com.cn 直达 推广 修复



China Re Group is the only state-owned reinsurance group in China. In terms of reinsurance premium income, it ranks first in Asia. It possesses profound cultural basis, leading industry position and extensive brand influence. z2?6Ot8?9Wh4?6p

Strong shareholder background and sound capital strength. China Re Group was co-founded by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and the Central Huijin Investment Company Limited. As on 31 December 2018, the Group’s total assets and net assets amounted to RMB340.907 billion and RMB87.254 billion respectively. a75mN,~1yn6?5e

Leader in China’s reinsurance market. China Re Group takes the function as a national reinsurer. It owns rich historical heritage, a strong comparative advantage in domestic resources, huge client base and diversified local and overseas business channels and has been playing the role as the major reinsurance channel in China’s insurance market for a long time. h,~3cE5?2XV1?4t

Strong professional and risk management capabilities. China Re Group owns abundant industry data, preeminent professional and technical strengths and powerful innovative capacity in the industry. It also has well-experienced management and technical teams, efficient group management, prudent risk management and solid fundamental management. s,!1nk4!5eJ2;1A

Sound capacity for sustainable development. China Re Group has a remarkable performance in the reinsurance business and a comprehensive organisational structure and a complete industrial chain in insurance, which enable the Group to achieve sustainable development and steady profit growth. China Re Group has rated “A (excellent)” by A.M. Best for eleven consecutive years during 2010–2020, rated “A+” by Standard & Poor’s for three consecutive years during 2014–2016 and rated “A” by S&P Global Rating for three consecutive years during 2017–2019. u9=1ZJ6-4ZA,!9b

The first reinsurance group listed in Hong Kong. On 26 October 2015, China Re Group was listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, becoming the first reinsurance group listed in Hong Kong (stock code: 01508.HK). W3+2PE2+8ZB1!2J



中再集团 共收录 个子站

China Re Group is the only state-owned reinsurance group in China. In terms of reinsurance premium income, it ranks first in Asia. It possesses profound cultural basis, leading industry position and extensive brand influence.详情>>

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