秋天,是一个迷人的季节。一夜秋风,大自然鬼斧神工般地把大地装扮得色彩斑斓、绚丽多姿。也就是这个季节,是风景园林学院师生最为喜悦的时节。一批批优秀的本科新生从大江南北慕名而来;更有一批批莘莘学子顺利完成风景园林学院学业,或考上了985、211高校的硕士研究生、或奔赴祖国的四面八方,为我国城市建设、经济发展贡献自己的聪明才智。这就是我们风景园林学院里的“风景”。 N8+9SL7-9ou44w
怀化学院风景园林学院她以其深厚的底蕴、雄厚的实力、高水平的人才培养质量和广泛的影响而知名省内外;她以风景园林为优势,以城市景观规划设计和中国传统村落景观创新保护为特色,致力于培养具有“国际视野、本土行动、现代思维”的规划设计精英人才,致力于引领和促进我国风景园林事业的繁荣和发展。目前,学院已开办园林和风景园林两个本科专业,拥有中央与地方共建特色优势学科实验室“园林生态与工程”、“风景园林规划设计与工程”、“景观工程实践教学中心”三大实验室,共15个实验、实训分室;建成“景观设计”湖南省普通高校校企合作创新创业教育基地1个、湖南省普通高校风景园林类专业大学生创新创业教育中心1个、设有“生态景观规划设计重点实验室”、“武陵山片区风景园林资源研究中心”。学院现有来自全国18个省(市、区)的本科生586名,拥有由2位教授、5位副教授;4位博士、19位硕士组成的专业教学与科研团队,和15位具有高级职称的企业、行业校外教师队伍,外聘教师中有来自清华大学、中山大学、湖南农业大学的教授、博士生导师3位。近三年来,学院的办学水平日益提升,一批本科学生摘得国家级和省级专业学科竞赛诸多“桂冠”,获得一批国家级、省部级大学生研究性学习与创新性项目、青年教师荣登国际领奖台、教师带领学生完成了一大批省市级科研项目,学生发表研究论文与设计作品80余篇(幅);完成风景园林设计、城市规划设计与园林工程建设等各类风景园林规划设计与建设项目60余项,创造经济价值3000余万元、参与编辑专著和教材15部。 E3:1Ir7:1KT3!8L
我们学院与中南林业科技大学风景园林学院、湖南农业大学风景园林与艺术设计学院、吉首大学土木工程与建筑学院、清华大学建筑规划设计研究院、上海嘉来景观工程有限公司、上海道润景观有限公司、苏州朗地环境科技有限公司、深圳文科园林股份有限公司、深圳市阿特森景观规划设计有限公司、深圳铭聿景观建筑规划设计有限公司、湖南景乔园林工程有限公司、湖南易昌园林景观建筑工程有限公司、广州山水比德设计股份有限公司长沙分公司、湖南艺纬园林建筑工程有限公司等20余家省内外高校和企业有着良好的合作。学院秉承“教学手段现代化、教学活动多样化、知识能力综合化”的教学理念,全体教师用昂扬的人生态度影响学生,用炽热的生活激情感染学生,用宽阔的包容之心点拨学生;学院不仅有着优秀的生源,更有着开放包容、求知求新、团结进取的优良学风,毕业生深受用人单位欢迎,每年初次就业率稳定在90%以上,就业区域主要集中于长三角地区、珠三角地区和长沙地区。2019年学院获得湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖、怀化学院第八届教学成果一等奖和三等奖。 q46Oe1-6ET1=8g
“融通中外、道法自然”,“巧于因借、传承创新”,发展中的风景园林学院,恰如其名,本身就是怀化学院一道亮丽风景。 S78XZ7-3Vu3+7t
College of Landscape Architecture Profile d8=,AG4+,nC3~3m
At the Huaihua University College of Landscape Architecture, autumn is the season of hope, for it not only brings a fresh palette of colour, but also welcomes from all over the country a new group of freshmen. Autumn is the season of harvest, too, as it waves goodbye to this year’s graduates, wishing them every success in their postgraduate studies or professional careers. This is what is called seasonal landscape at our college, each more exciting than the last. r8!,Pi9?4ZD8.3E
The Huaihua University College of Landscape Architecture is famed for its history, academic strengths, quality of teaching and influence. By concentrating on innovative urban and rural planning based on the foundation of landscape architecture education, our mission is to cultivate architects and planners with vision, practicality and creativity. A1?1VT4:9ng,-5J
The college offers two undergraduate programs, namely Landscape Gardening and Landscape Architecture. Currently, there are 586 full-time students and a total of 30 faculty and staff members, including 7 professors and 4 doctors. It operates a series of research facilities including: 7 Key-Discipline Laboratories Co-constructed by Central Government Funding and Huaihua University: Laboratory for Landscape Gardening Ecology and Engineering, and Laboratory for Landscape Architecture Design and Engineering, and Laboratory for Landscape Engineering Practice; and Base of innovation and entrepreneurship education for School Enterprise Cooperation,and Center of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students; Key Laboratory for Landscape Ecological Planning; and the Rearch Centre for Wuling Mountain Area Landscape Architecture Resources. v7!1wV1!8Ic2+7h
Benefit from the college’s increasing academic strengths in recent years, the student team has produced more than 80 theses and design concepts, and the faculty team has completed over 60 landscape architecture design and construction projects that worth CNY30,000,000, and contributed in 15 books. The college has established cooperative partnership with more than 20 higher education institutes and enterprises throughout the country. The initial employment rate for our graduates has been over 90 percent for the past 3 years. In 2019, the college won the second prize of higher education teaching achievement in Hunan province t5.50v,!4gl2-9r
The Huaihua University College of Landscape Architecture is a place that advances knowledge through innovative academic programs, research, and outreach. We focus on the development of discipline and work to transform the landscape of the future. S1-3JK8?1As5+5d