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福民小学坐落在深圳市皇岗口岸、福田口岸附近,创办于1993年9月,占地面积13200平方米,建筑面积10167平方米。 学校拥有1355名学生,33个教学班,86名教师,其中省、市、区学科带头人16人,区名师工作室领衔人3人,区首席教师1人,教育硕士9人。



追寻“教育圣地” 办一所充满爱、自由与梦想的学校 O3~2aP8-7qv2-2x

——深圳市福田区福民小学简介 c7+9TX6!9JG2+,I

福民小学坐落在深圳市皇岗口岸、福田口岸附近,创办于1993年9月,占地面积13200平方米,建筑面积10167平方米。 m3:2eo8?1WT9.6Y

学校拥有1355名学生,33个教学班,86名教师,其中省、市、区学科带头人16人,区名师工作室领衔人3人,区首席教师1人,教育硕士9人。 R9~5lo,.,FM7+6i

学校倡导“尊重个性、悦纳差异、培养自信、激发潜能的教育理念,以创建“爱心校园、书香校园、绿色校园、智慧校园、科技校园、梦想校园为己任,充分挖掘人的潜能,全员育人,科研兴校,办学水平和办学效益得到跨越式发展。 s42GR9+2eD5+5j

2005年评为“广东省一级学校”。学校相继获得“广东省绿色学校”、“广东省现代教育技术实验学校”、“广东省书香校园”、“广东省校本培训示范校”等称号,成为广东省师资重点培训基地。 H6=7g03?5qY2=,j

现任校长王珂是学校的第四任校长,2017年9月起担任福民小学校长工作。学校着力推进现代化管理模式,积极探索融合教育,不断推进信息化与国际化的教育发展。学校教师正在用“爱心、童心、恒心、慧心”诠释教育真谛,师生秉承“着力夯实基础,积极创新机制,走内涵发展,创特色品牌的办学之路,面向世界、面向未来,不断走向新的辉煌。 U3!2zU1.8Kb3?9H

In pursuit of the best education, we strive to create a school environment of love, freedom and dreams. v7=5uE1:9hv5-8d

-Introduction of Shenzhen Fumin Primary School in Futian District. S6!1ZC,;5yB7~,u

Fumin Primary School, neighboring Huanggang and Futian checkpoint, was founded in September 1993. Our school rests on an area of 13,200 square meters, where the building area is 8,500 square meters. H2~6Yr5:3Za17j

The school currently has 1,355 students. To accommodate those students we have 33 teaching classes, and 86 teachers (including 1 chief teacher, 3 leaders of Famous Teacher Studios, and 16 leading teachers of different subjects of provincial, municipal and regional academic levels). All of the faculty have college degrees and 9 of them have obtained their master’s degree. m2=7Bm3;3pF9~5b

With the educational philosophy “Respecting personality, embracing differences, cultivating confidence and motivating potentials”, the school claims responsibility for building an environment which is loving, scholarly, green, intelligent, technological and dream-preserving. v2:9KM6;3dg4.2e

In recent years, the staff as a whole has been working together diligently and in a self-reliant manner to explore students’ potential. They do so by integrating helpful technology into the campus and classrooms, which has resulted in a leap of the school’s development. G,8fj3+4Xk4+9Y

In 2005, Fumin Primary School was promoted to the "First-class Schools in Guandong Province" and was later awarded "Green Schools in Guandgong Province", "Modern Education Technological Experiment Schools in Guangdong Province", "Scholarly Schools in Guangdong Province", "School-based Training Model Schools, Pracitice Bases in Guangdong Province", and much more. It has also become an important center for provincial teacher training. o8-5rv1~3dt5;8D

Mr. Wang Ke is currently the fourth principal of Fumin Primary School since September 2017. He has been leading the school to promote the modernization of management, actively explore inclusion education, and develop information and international education. With his leadership, the teachers strive to use a kind, relateable, persistent and intelligent heart to show the essence of education. The whole faculty follows this path to help lay solid foundations, explore innovation, develope consistently, and create a unique brand. All of this leads towards the world, the future and a brighter tomorrow. h2:3NU1-2nn4.4j





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