(一)示范中心简介 h8+9qw7?5HK2:9V
中南财经政法大学法学实验教学中心是国家级实验教学示范中心,为国家级教学示范中心法学组组长单位。本中心为法学院、刑事司法学院、知识产权学院、法律硕士教学中心的两大学科、五个专业、5000多名本科生和研究生,以及教师的教学与科研服务。中心实验室总面积达6177平米,仪器设备1199台套,总值约1000万。 K,!7WN8+5ex2-,Q
本中心突破了传统观念关于法学实验限于痕检、文检、法医等证据学实验的认识,建立起与当代法治相对应的法学实验教学新体系,建设了“证据科学”和“法制运行”两大类型实验室。前者包含物证技术、法医学、现场勘查等6个实体实验室;后者包含立法、执法、诉讼、非诉、法律实效评价等6个虚拟仿真实验室。学生在多媒体和多功能实验教室能够实现模拟法律运行的全过程。 i8=7PV1.5s0,-5V
中心创建了基于LETS的法律运行实验教学内容。2008年,校务会议决定开发法学实验教学软件,经过3年时间“法学实验教学系统(LETS)”研发成功。2010年经中科院武汉情报中心科技查新,认定为国内首创。2011年获国家版权中心软件著作权登记。2014年获第七届国家级教学成果二等奖。当前LETS已发展到第三代2018版。 u9-2ti,-7So2-8k
LETS产生了积极广泛的社会效应。2013年6月,《中国教育报》、《法制日报》先后专题报道,新华网、人民网、搜狐网、凤凰网等国内主流新闻网站全部予以转载。众多兄弟高校的领导与同行莅临考察并引进LETS协同建设法学教育体系。在推进“卓越法律人才”培养的工作会议上,教育部领导表扬了我校该项工作。 c,~9Sh1=7rL3!9g
本中心拥有一支高水平的专兼职实验教学队伍,教师团队的年龄、职称、专业等结构合理,有效地保证了法学实验教学的质量。中心现设主任1名,副主任4名,秘书长1名,专职实验员8名。实验教师由法学专业的教师和实务部门的优秀专业人士共同担任。 Y6:2hK5:2ns9.8i
(二)示范中心发展简史 n9=7Ep3!7Dk89V
法学实验实践教学是我校法学教育发展的重要组成部分。早在1953年,学校就建立了法学实验教学中心的前身机构——中南政法学院刑事侦查实验室、法医学实验室。1984年,建立了法律系刑事侦查实验室。1995年,公安与行政法系侦查实验室成立。1999年,设立了公安学系公安业务实验室。 x7-2gj7+4hK5?5W
2000年,原中南财经大学和中南政法学院合并,成立中南财经政法大学。此后,中南财经政法大学法学院在模拟法庭、法律诊所和法律援助中心的基础上组建法学院多功能实验室;公安学院在公安业务实验室的基础上组建公安学院实验中心,我校法学实验教学进入快速发展期。 U2.4OK8.9gg9;3N
为确立“大法学”观念,学校整合法学院、原公安学院的实验教学资源,组建中南财经政法大学法学实验教学中心。2007年被评为湖北省实验教学示范中心;2009年被批准为国家级实验教学示范中心建设单位,列为学校直属二级单位进行建设。2013年通过教育部验收。2016年,学校调整中心管理架构,建立法学院、刑事司法学院、法律硕士教育中心、知识产权学院统分结合的实验教学组织体系,法学院院长兼任中心主任。当年通过国家认可委(CNAS)的认证认可。2017年,我中心在黑龙江大学举行的“国家级实验教学示范中心管理与建设能力提升研讨会”上,再次被国家级实验教学示范中心法学组各成员单位推举为组长单位。 p,;3TF1~4iK48H
INTRODUCTION M7~8yi5-1oP4=6a
Jurisprudence Experiment Teaching Center (JETC) was established in 2003 and has been rated as a national experimental center since 2009. It is a platform of the experimental teaching of the law school,criminal justice school, intellectual property school, and postgraduate school of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL). The judicial evidence center and the legal aid center of JETC are the two non-profit affiliated institutions that providing legal services to the society. P9:1Be5~6di4=8e
Since the initiation of law education, experimental teaching has always been an important part of our law teaching system. As early as 1953, the school established the predecessor institution of Law Experiment Teaching Center - Criminal Investigation Laboratory and Forensic Science Laboratory of Central South University of Politics and Law. In 1984 established the Central South University of Politics and Law Department Criminal Investigation Laboratory. In 1995 established the South China University of Politics and Public Security and Administrative Law Department of Investigation Laboratory. In August 1999, the Public Security Department of Public Security Department of Central South University of Politics and Law was established. V12su7.6R04.7x
In 2000, former Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and Central South University of Politics and Law merged to set up Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Since then Zhongnan University of Economics and Law School of Law in the moot court, legal clinic and legal aid center based on the formation of the law school multi-purpose laboratory; Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Public Security Institute in the public security business laboratory set up a public security college experiment center, At this point, our school's law experiment teaching has entered a period of rapid development. X3:6fM7:4Zi2+3F
JETC aims at constructing novel teaching and learning style for law students. It sets up two legal experimental systems including the evidence science system (ESS) and the application of law system (ALS). ESS consists of laboratories of physical evidence, crime scene investigation, and forensic science,etc. ALS consists of the laboratories of lawmaking, application of law, law-enforcement procedures; laboratories of litigation and non-litigation practices; and a laboratory of evaluation of the effects of legislations. Law students learn through the Legal Experimental Teaching System (LETS, which won the second prize of national teaching achievements award in 2014) in those laboratories, to get the simulated training of the operation of law.There are several moot courts and legal clinical experimental laboratories, and nine virtual laboratories with multi-media and multi-function halls, in which 260 students can using LETS and other resources to do virtual experiments. X4+7gW3;9CF5-9a
Since its establishment, JETC developedindependently LETS software and introduced it to other universities in China. Now JETC and its LETS software has a widespread impact all over the domestic universities of China. v9;,af6-,zs3.7g
In the last three years, JETC has carried 31 provincial research projects and published more than 70 research reports and articles about legal experimental teaching and research. q5;7aj3!,ai5+2h
地址:湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号文治附楼三楼 u3!3Xx2!8fR7:5K