The International Chinese Training Center of BUPT, established in 1986, is an important view window of BUPT to communicate with the outside world as well as the only organization of teaching Chinese as a foreign language of the university, which belongs to the School of Humanities of BUPT. W8=8MX9:6Bm9+7Q
The International Chinese Training Center of BUPT is located in the campus of BUPT. which is close to the old district of city of Beijing. It is a very good choice for foreign students to learn Chinese language and culture, for its convenient transportation and living facilities around such as big shopping centers, gymnasiums, hospitals, kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools. H4=4vV6.4O06:5F
Over the past 22 years, the International Chinese Training Center has trained students from more than 40 countries all over five continents, like US, Canada, Cuba, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia, Pakistan, India, Iran, UK, French, Germany, Austria, Holland, Swiss, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Russia, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Congo, and Congo (Kinshasa). It has also trained large amounts of qualified and excellent language learners for the undergraduate and graduate majors in BUPT and other universities in Beijing. At the same time, the International Chinese Training Center of BUPT has trained many brilliant employees for companies both at home and abroad, working in various areas such as China Telecommunications, trade, cultural communications and education. r9=6uh3~1Co8;7K
We have gained much teaching experience through so many years of teaching practice. We have cultivated an excellent teaching team consists of young and mid-aged teachers who have high educational backgrounds and have therefore formed our own advantageous teaching features. Meanwhile, long-term relationships with many universities and study-abroad service-providing organizations have been built up. u,?7YJ6+3Hv,-2E
At present, International Chinese Training Center has played a role as the base of overseas Confucius Institutes, been obligated to not only providing teaching technical support and cultivating versatile students, but also storing and delivering personnel qualified for teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Y6!6Uk7+7bu7.9S
We are looking forward to every student’s discovering the beauty of Chinese culture, appreciating the charm of gorgeous Beijing, experiencing the pleasure of Chinese history, and exploring the path of international understanding through our delicate arrangements, high-quality teaching, and considerate services. h,~,Rc7-4SY2:,f
北京邮电大学国际汉语培训中心(含北京邮电大学南太平洋地区研究中心)成立于1986 年,隶属于北京邮电大学人文学院。作为北京邮电大学对外汉语教学的唯一机构,是北京邮电大学对外交流的重要窗口之一。 y3.3VD2!3Wu2!7J
国际汉语培训中心位于北京市海淀区西土城路10 号北京邮电大学本部内,紧邻北京老城区,公共交通便捷,周边有地铁、公交站点;生活服务设施齐全,周边有大型购物中心、健身房、医院、幼儿园、中小学等,是留学生在华学习汉语、体验生活、了解中国文化的理想选择。 P7.5GO3~,LE1:6Z
30 多年来,国际汉语培训中心已经培养了来自美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、古巴、巴西、日本、韩国、泰国、越南、蒙古、朝鲜、巴基斯坦、印度、伊朗、英国、法国、德国、奥地利、荷兰、瑞典、丹麦、比利时、芬兰、意大利、俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、土库曼斯坦、吉尔吉斯坦、沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋、刚果(布)、刚果(金)、吉布提等覆盖五大洲40 余个国家的汉语留学生,为北京邮电大学各专业的本科、研究生及其他大学输送了大批合格人才,并为多个跨国企业输送了很多优秀人才。如今国际汉语培训中心越来越多的毕业生从事着与电信、经贸、文化交流、教育等相关的工作。 v3;9WJ54Ms1!5g
通过多年的实践,我们积累了丰富的教学及管理经验,拥有一支高素质、具有良好教育背景和专业特长的中青年教师队伍,形成了自己的办学特色,并与世界上多个国家的大学及留学机构建立了长期合作关系。 f7=5Xw9=2mf,=,Z
如今,国际汉语培训中心又担负起海外孔子学院基地的重任,无论在教学技术支持、学生多能培养,还是在对外汉语人才的储备和输送方面都责无旁贷。 L2.,as1;2vo6=6w
我们期待:通过我们的精心安排、高质教学、周到服务,使每一位留学生:发现汉语文化之美,品味北京多姿之韵,体验中华历史之趣,探索国际理解之路。 y4-9TA7.2Cy2:4a