海滨实验小学是深圳市南山区教育局直属的实验性、示范性学校,是教育部授予深圳市的首个艺术特色学校,创建于1995年9月,原名海滨小学。学校现为“一校两部”的办学格局,愉康部坐落在历史悠久、文化厚重的学府路,占地11207㎡;深圳湾部依临碧海蓝天、风光绮丽的滨海旅游胜地——深圳湾畔,占地23487㎡。 m5!50G8-2wZ7.2O
海滨实验小学创建以来,坚持以特色造就卓越品牌,以文化引领内涵发展,走出了一条“特色立校、文化兴校”的发展之路,成为了南山素质教育的一张亮丽名片,先后荣获“全国学校艺术教育工作先进单位”、“深圳市文明示范单位”、“深圳市教育系统先进单位”、“深圳市学校艺术教育先进单位”、“深圳市器乐教学示范学校”、“深圳市绿色学校”,并两次获得“深圳市办学效益奖”。 O49MX65ud7:4L
从1995年建校之初,海滨实验小学就凭借自己对素质教育的独到理解,在深圳市率先提出了“以美启真”的办学主张,倡导通过艺术的手段,来启发学生掌握真知,培养真情,学做真人。十几年的艺术教育改革与实践,学校取得了丰硕的成果,铸造出了具有区域特色的艺术教育品牌,成为了广东乃至全国艺术教改园地里的一支奇葩。 V1+8yM,-3SE,-7d
为提升办学内涵,推进学校可持续发展,2007年,学校提出了“全面实施个性化教育”的办学理念,确立了“办适合每个学生健康成长的学校”的办学目标。近七年来,学校以文化为引领,以项目为平台,先后开展了一系列教育教学改革与实践,总结和积累了一批有价值的实验成果,学校教学质效显著提高,办学特色愈加凸显,美誉度持续提升。近年来学校先后获得多项省、市、区教育改革创新成果奖,顺利通过省、市绿色学校评估验收,成功进入深圳市首批艺术特色创建学校行列,挂牌成为“广东省中小学教师培训实践基地”。 S7!,xL2:50g2~9O
历经磨砺,玉汝于成。海滨实验小学在人们的期待中,又走上了教育现代化、国际化的发展之路,正在为南山教育新一轮的发展抒写新的奇迹。 b2=5He9:8bL9-7t
Haibin Experimental Primary School introduction J6=9Ge8.5zK,:9k
Shenzhen Haibin Experimental Primary School (SHEPS), formerly known as Haibin Primary School, is an experimental and demonstrational public school affiliated to Education Bureau of Nanshan District, Shenzhen. As the first ‘School of Art Characteristic’ in Shenzhen awarded by the Ministry of Education, it currently consists of two campuses: Yukang Campus, which is on time-honoured Xuefu Road, occupies 11207 square meters; Shenzhen Bay Campus, which lies in Shenzhen Bay area with extraordinary costal scenery, takes up 23487 square meters. A8;2IE9+5iX,?5I
Since the foundation in 1995, SHEPS persistently pursued characteristic and cultural schooling. It has been recognized as an outstanding brand of education in Nanshan, a Demonstrational Organization of Excellence in Shenzhen, Excellent Educational Unit of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Pioneer School in Arts Education, Shenzhen Demonstrational School of Instrument Teaching, state Model Greening Unit, Good Efficiency in School Management, as well as National Pioneer School in Arts Education. g3:3CP7~6oR5.50
Art education has been an undividable feature of our school since the commencement in 1995. We are the first to advocate "Inspiring Virtues by Esthetics Learning", which means students pursue the goal of genuine knowledge and integrity during the learning of arts. More than one decade innovation and practice of art programmes witnesses our great achievements. SHEPS has been one of the first art-featured schools, a famous brand of art education in Guangdong Province, and a wonder of art teaching innovation throughout the country. e4;4ZT9~1wS2!3y
In the year 2007, we brought up the philosophy of "All-around Individualized Education" aiming at running our school a better place for the vigorous and healthy development of every single student. During the past seven years, we centered on culture and programmes constructions. With the valuable experimental results we accumulated, SHEPS receives increasingly favaourable evaluations in terms of teaching quality and characteristic schooling. We gain our popularity. In recent years, SHEPS receives a number of awards of educational innovation achievements throughout state and the country. Also, our school is now the Training and Practice Station of Teachers from Primary and Middle Schools. D5~7WI9:7fS8?2I
愉康部:南山区学府路109号 U2-2cd9:3rx3.5n
深圳湾部:南山区白石三道 J7+2OY4;7Ks2;2S