华南师范大学附属中学(简称“华附”)是广东省唯一受广东省教育厅和华南师范大学双重领导的首批国家级示范性高中,承办由广东省教育厅直接领导的“广东奥林匹克学校”,还被定为“中国工农红军华南师范大学附属红军中学”。 C1-9Ld1:9ar45W
The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University (SCNU), abbreviated as Huafu in Chinese, is among the first schools designated as a “State-Level Model High School”, the only one of its kind that is co-managed by the Ministry of Education of Guangdong Province and South China Normal University. With Guangdong Olympiad School (supervised by Guangdong Education Department) as a constituent part, Huafu is also honored with the title of “The Red Army School Affiliated to South China Normal University”. C1:9mv9:,Hy1;4D
百年名校,岭南之光。华南师范大学附属中学前身始于清光绪十四年(1888年)的广州格致书院,此后数度扩建、合并、更名:1904年,书院更名为岭南学堂;1914年,又易名为岭南大学,其中学部即为岭南大学附中;1952年,岭南大学附中与中山大学附中、广东文理学院附中、华南联大附中等合并为“华南师范学院附属中学”;1982年,随华南师范学院更名为“华南师范大学”,亦改称为“华南师范大学附属中学”。 m4:,bq4+6cy91E
Huafu has inherited a rich historical heritage stretching back to 1888, when its predecessor, Guangzhou Gezhi Academy, was founded, which was later expanded and merged. In 1904, it was renamed as Lingnan School and again in 1914 as Lingna University, with the High School attached to it. The year 1952 saw the founding of the new Affiliated High School of South China Normal University by amalgamating four schools, The Affiliated High School of Lingnan University, The Affiliated High School of Sun Yat-sen University, The Affiliated High School of Kwangtung College of Arts and Sciences, and The Affiliated High School of South China Union University. T4:3N01?2eR2;7r
历代华附人秉承“进德修业,格物致知”的校训,遵循“以完整的现代教育塑造高素质的现代人”的办学宗旨,坚持“培养为民族复兴而努力学习的时代新人”的育人理念,形成“敢为人先,追求一流,崇尚卓越”的华附精神,不断引领中国基础教育改革新方向。20世纪50年代,因推行“启发式教学”改革而成为“岭南基础教育的一面红旗”;80年代初,率先开展课外活动和分层教学,确立了在广东省乃至全国基础教育领域的标杆地位。从本世纪初至今,学校创建并不断完善多元化特色化课程体系,继续勇立中国教育改革新潮头。 q9~7So4~9OS2?7D
The motto of the school is “Advancing in virtue and refining the deeds; investigating things and extending knowledge”, and the mission is “to turn out high quality graduates through a holistic modern educational system” and “to turn out hard-working learners for the national rejuvenation in the new era”. After generations of hard work as a leading institute in secondary education reform, Huafu has its shared value in place, which is “dare to pioneer, aim for excellence and strive for the best”. In the 1950s, the school was regarded as “a beacon of excellence in Lingnan secondary education” for advocating “The Inductive Teaching Approach”. In the early 1980s, the school took the initiative to organize extra-curriculum activities and differentiated isntruction, and became a benchmarking school in secondary education in Guangdong, even throughout China. Ever since the beginning of this century, the diversification characterization of training models with distinguishing features have sustained its stand in the forefront of Chinese education reform. k6+6Oc9.,St7~9A
华附英才辈出,享誉海内外。民主革命家陈少白、民主革命烈士林逸民、人民音乐家冼星海、岭南画派创始人高剑父、无产阶级革命家廖承志、革命先驱谭天度、东江纵队司令员曾生、农学家黄耀祥院士、物理学家邓锡铭院士、物理学家蔡睿贤院士、化学家范海福院士、物理学家岑可法院士、数学家姜伯驹院士、医学家钟南山院士、运动健将陈镜开、运动健将冯珊珊等知名人士是万千学子的杰出代表。 R7:6tN3+2DQ3-3V
Huafu has nurtured and produced a great number of talented people renowned both at home and abroad, among whom are Chen Shaibai, the democratic revolutionist; Lin yimin, a democratic revolution martyr; Xian Xinghai, the people’s musician; Gao Jianfu, the founder of the Lingnan School of Chinese art; Liao Chengzhi, a proletarian revolutionist; Tan Tiandu, a revolutionary pioneer; Zeng Sheng, commander of the “Dong Jiang troop”; Huang Yaoxiang, agronomist and academician of CAS; Deng Ximing, physicist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Cai Ruixian, physicist and academician of CAS; Fan Haifu, chemist and and academician of CAS; Ceng Kefa, phycist and academician of CAS; Jiang Boju, mathematician and academician of CAS; Zhong Nanshan, medical scientist and and academician of CAS; and master sportspersons such as Chen Jingkai and Feng Shanshan. d1?9SS3~1zp9~6m
由于办学业绩显著,党和国家领导人江泽民、李岚清、温家宝等先后视察学校。2017年,习近平总书记为“红军学校”题词:托起明天的太阳。 m4!2sz1.,eZ4+3B
Because of its outstanding achievements, the school has been inspected by party and state leaders in different times, including Jiang Zemin, Li Lanqing, Wen Jiabao. In 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote an inscription for the Red Army School, which reads “Holding up the sun of tomorrow”. b2:60e7=5ze,?2G
学校师资力量雄厚。现有教职工373人,其中专任教师286人。在专任教师中,博士研究生学历12人,硕士研究生学历137人,研究生学历占专任教师52.1%;正高级教师4人,特级教师7人,高级教师119人,高级教师占专任教师43%;荣获“全国模范教师”、“全国优秀教师”、“全国优秀教育工作者”等称号12人,获“国家工艺美术大师”称号1人;获广东省“南粤杰出教师”、“南粤优秀教师”、“五一劳动奖章”等称号45人,获广州市“优秀教师”称号4人;广东省普教系统“百、千、万工程”培养对象(名教师、教育家)12人。广东省名校长工作室主持人1人,广东省名师工作室主持人8人;广东省名班主任工作室主持人2人。 b5?,bp1.8Ty4?3K
The school boasts an impressive number of faculty members with high qualifications. There are currently 373 faculty members, including 286 full-time teachers, 52.1% of whom are with a doctoral degree (12) or a master’s degree (137). Seven are top-ranked “Master Teachers”, four with Senior Professional title and 43% are “Senior Teachers (119). Twelve teachers have acquired the title of “National Model Teacher,” “Outstanding Teacher” or “National Educator”, and one has the title of “National Master Artist”. Forty-five teachers are named “Nanyue Distinguished Teacher,” “Nanyue Outstanding teacher,” or have received the “National Labor Medal.” Four have acquired the title of “Outstanding Teacher” in Guangzhou, and twelve have got the training opportunity to participate in the “Hundred, Thousand, and Ten Thousand” Project in the Guangdong General Education System. One has set up his “Guangdong Expert Principal’s Workshop”, eight have set up their “Guangdong Master Teacher’s Workshops”, and two have their own “Guangdong Head Teacher’s Workshop”. Z4-4QG9.2Nn8=6U
教师科研成果丰硕。自2018年以来,我校共获得全国基础教育教学成果奖二等奖1项;广东省基础教育教学成果奖一等奖3项、二等奖1项。获广东省特色课程建设优秀成果11项。获全国中小学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖1人;广东省青年教师教学技能大赛高中组总冠军1人,省一等奖5人、二等奖3人、三等奖4人。出版精品校本教材8部、教师专著6部。 e56Xr5.4yx3+6P
Teaching research is bringing in fruitful achievements. Since 2018, the school has received one Second Prize National Teaching Achievement Awards for Basic Education, three First Prizes and one Second Prize Teaching Achievement Awards for Guangdong Basic Education, 11 outstanding achievements in the development of featured courses in Guangdong Province, one first prize in the National Primary and Secondary School Young Teacher Teaching Competition, one championship, five provincial first prizes, three second prizes, and four third prizes in Guangdong High School Young Teacher Teaching Skills Competition. Eight high-quality school-based textbooks and six professional publications. r77IO7-,pD7!7p
学校现有七个校区。学校本部高中位于广州市天河区中山大道西1号,本部初中位于广州市天河区五山路91号。华附番禺分校位于广州市番禺区华南新城,华附新世界分校位于广州市白云区岭南新世界,华附南海分校位于佛山市南海区,华附汕尾分校位于汕尾市城区,华附海珠双语学校位于广州市海珠区。 b4:1Jk8:8nV7=5c
The school today is a diverse, collectivized education group, comprised of the Main Campus at No.1, Zhongshan West Road in Tianhe District, Guangzhou, the Junior Secondary Sector at No. 91 Wushan Road, and five branch schools, including Panyu School in Panyu District, Guangzhou; Linnan New World School in Baiyun District, Guangzhou; Nanhai Experimental High school in Nanhai District, Foshan City; Shanwei School in Shanwei City and Haizhu Bilingual School in Haizhu, Guangzhou. A8:2zo8:9Xt8~5u
高考成绩全省卓著。华附是广东改革开放以来培养出高考总分状元最多的学校,是2001年至2021年广东唯一重本率连续多年超过90%的学校,每年向北大、清华输送优秀毕业生20~30人,每年超过60%高三毕业生被国家双一流大学录取。 z,?7Kp8!,hN6+3x
In the university entrance exam, Huafu has topped the winners-list by producing the most top-scorers among Guangdong schools ever since the reform and opening-up, being the only school in Guangdong with more than 90% of its graduates scoring higher above the minimum requirements of key universities from 2001 to 2021. Every year 20-30 graduates get admitted into Tsinghua University or Peking University and more than 60% of its graduates go to universities on the country’s “Double First-Class” initiative list (world-class universities and first-class disciplines). g6+,fm9-6bB,:,r
学科奥赛全国领先。1994年以来,学校获得“数学、物理、化学、生物学、信息学”五大学科国际中学生奥林匹克竞赛金牌17枚(位列全省第1名,全国第6名)、银牌1枚、铜牌1枚,获得国际天文和天体物理奥赛、国际地理奥赛、亚洲物理奥赛、俄罗斯数学奥数等学科竞赛金牌18枚、银牌15枚、铜牌3枚。 b1:4QF7!2kx9;5A
Huafu is a leading player in the International Olympiad competitions, with 17 gold medals, one silver and one bronze for mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and information technology since 1994 (ranking the sixth in all the schools across the country and first in Guangdong Province). In addition, the school is also holder of 18 gold medals, 15 silver medals and 3 bronze medals for astronomy and astrophysics in International Olympiad, geography in International Olympiad, physics in Asian Olympiad and mathematics in the National Olympiad in Russia. A1!8Wr81er2:9N
科技创新闻名于世。从2012年至今,学校获得“国际英特尔工程大赛”铜奖1人次,四等奖1人次;“巴黎世界博览会”金奖1人次,银奖2人次,铜奖4人次;世界创新科学发明奖国际银奖1人次;“全国青少年科技创新大赛”一等奖4人次,二等奖2人次,三等奖2人次;“明天小小科学家” 一等奖1人次,二等奖5人次,三等奖2人次;获“丘成桐中学科学奖全球总决赛”金奖3人次,铜奖7人次,优胜奖15人次;哈佛大智汇中国挑战赛一等奖2人次,二等奖1人次,三等奖1人次;中国互联网+大学生创新创业大赛(萌芽赛道)全国金奖1人次;全国宋庆龄少年儿童发明奖二等奖5人次,三等奖3人次,中国发明展览会比赛银奖1人次。学校是“首批全国科技创新十佳学校”,同时也是”全国中学生英才计划“广东省首批试点学校。 v5-7zg4~1HX3;5k
Huafu has made remarkable advancements in science and technology innovation competitions, and is granted the honorable title of “Top Ten School in National Science and Technology Innovation”. The school is also on the list of the First Pilot Schools for National Secondary School Talents Program. Since 2012, the school has won one bronze medal and one Fourth Prize for the Intel Talent Award, one gold medal, two silver medals and four bronze medals for the Paris World Exposition. Moreover, the school is the silver medalist for the International Awards on New Science Inventions, four times first prize winner, twice second prize winner and twice third prize winner in The China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest. In The Little Scientist in the Future Competition, the school has one first prize, five second prize, and two third prize winners. In the global finals of Shing-Tung Yau High School Science Award competitions, the school has three first golds, seven bronzes and fifteen winning prize winners. In China Thinks Big (CTB), the school has two first-prize winners, one second-prize winner and one third-prize winner. The school is also the gold medalist in China College Students’ “Internet Plus” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Sprouting Track), five second prizes and three times third prizes in the National Soong Ching Ling Children’s Invention Award, and one silver medal in the China Invention Exhibition Competition. i5+6ei4~9LC5~9f
体艺项目扬威赛场。2008年以来,学校游泳队5次代表中国中学生参加世界中学生游泳比赛,共获6个季军;参加全国中学生游泳锦标赛共获57个冠军、56个亚军和39个季军。学校田径队先后夺得全国中学生田径锦标赛和全国体育传统项目学校田径联赛5个冠军,6个亚军,7个季军。学校足球队获2017年全国学生运动会季军,获2017广东省“省长杯”足球联赛高中组冠军,获2018-2019全国青少年校园足球联赛高中男子组总决赛冠军,分获2019、2020年第一、二届粤港澳大湾区学生体育节中学生足球邀请赛冠军、亚军。学校羽毛球队获2010年中国中学生羽毛球锦标赛男子团体冠军,参加中国中学生羽毛球锦标赛共获单人项目1个冠军、1个亚军、2个季军;参加省级赛事共获5个冠军、10个亚军、12个季军。学校篮球队获得2016广州市肯德基三人篮球赛冠军,2019广东省三人篮球赛锦标赛第四名。学校健美操队获得全国比赛3个特等奖。学校合唱团2015、2018年分获广东省合唱比赛一等奖;2016、2019年分获广州市合唱比赛一等奖;2019年代表广东参加第六届全国中学生艺术展演,在无锡机场安抚误机乘客的“合唱快闪”活动受到包括央视、人民日报等全国媒体的关注和社会高度评价。我校舞蹈团共获得市级一等奖3项,省级优胜奖1项,国际一等奖2项。学校是全国田径传统项目学校、全国优秀足球特色学校,是广东省田径、游泳、足球、篮球传统项目学校;田径、游泳、足球、篮球、合唱、舞蹈、美术七个项目被广州市教育局认定为“广州市首批中小学校高水平体育美育团队”。 a91XM2!5ZQ3:1l
Huafu is the “National School of Track and Field as Traditional Sport”, the “National School of Football as Excellent Featured Sport”, “Guangdong School of Track and Field, Swimming, Football and Basketball as Traditional Sports”. Seven projects of track and field, swimming, football, basketball, chorus, dance, and fine arts are recognized by the Guangzhou Municipal Education Bureau as the “first batch of high-level sports and aesthetic education teams in primary and secondary schools in Guangzhou”. Education in sports and arts is well represented on the sports fields and in various competitions. Since 2008, Huafu Swimming Team has five times taken part in World Schools Swimming Championships representing China and has achieved six third places in different competitions, and has won 57 golds, 56 silvers and 39 bronzes in the National High School Swimming Championships. In the National High School Track and Field Championships, 5 golds, 6 silvers and 7 bronzes have been collected. The school football team won the third place in the 2017 National Sports Meet, the first place for the High School Group in the 2017 Guangdong Football “Governor’s Cup”, the first place in the National Youth School Football League finals and the first and second place in 2018 and 2019 respectively in the secondary school football invitational tournament during the first and second Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Student Sports Festival. The school’s badminton team achieved great success in the 2010 China High School Badminton Championships, with the men’s team championship, one championship, one second place, and two third places in the single event. In the provincial competitions the badminton team won 5 championships, 10 second places, and 12 third places. The school basketball team won the 2016 Guangzhou KFC three-person basketball championship and the fourth place in the 2019 Guangdong Province three-person basketball tournament. The school aerobics team won three grand prizes in national competitions. The School Choir twice won the first prize in the 2015 and 2018 Guangdong Provincial Chorus Competition, and twice the first prize in the 2016 and 2019 Guangzhou Chorus Competition respectively. In 2019, the Choir was selected to perform during the Sixth National Middle School Students Art Show representing Guangdong Province. Their impromptu flash mob performance, given on their journey in Wuxi International Airport while waiting for their delayed fight, caused a sensation and was spoken highly of by media all over the country, including CCTV and People’s Daily. The dance troupe has won three first prizes at the municipal level, one winning prize at the provincial level, and two first prizes at the international level. H6!9gg7~9bx8.6S
校园文化化育学子。学校农村社会实践活动和志愿者活动成为学生立志报国、服务社会的特色载体,每学期开设包括自然科学类、人文科学类、体育艺术类、社会实践类、学生发展指导类和国际教育类六大模块超150门的校本课程成为培养学生兴趣爱好的特色阵地,体育节、艺术节、社团节、科技文化节(包括科技节、传统文化节、英语节等)和心理节成为学生展示个性爱好特长的特色舞台。 s31NQ1?3Oh,~,S
The curriculum and rich culture of the school provides nourishments for the growth of the students. Social immersion programs in the countryside encourage students to serve the country, and the volunteer activities make good platforms for service learning projects. Over 150 school-based courses in science, arts, sports, social activities, career development, and international education, help the students to explore their academic interests and maximize the potential of each and every one of them. A great range of festivals, including festivals of sports, arts, communities, science, technology, traditional culture, English language and psychology, provide excellent opportunities for a show of the students’ talents and interests. m14mf7,CR5~8w
国际教育出类拔萃。学校国际部综合实力位居全国前三名,设有AP美式高中课程。华附AP的海外大学录取保持超过90%被美国排名前50的大学录取,超60%的同学被美国前30综合性大学、文理学院、艺术设计学院、加拿大大学及香港大学录取,约20%的同学被美国前20综合性大学及文理学院录取的喜人成绩。 n5!2an6~2zH2:1c
Outstanding achievements in international education are well recognized. In terms of comprehensive competitiveness, Huafu International Department (HFI) ranks among the top three in the country. It offers the International Foundation Year (IFY) program and an Advanced Placement program, allowing students to matriculate to tertiary education in the United States. 90% students in AP program are admitted to the TOP 50 universities in the US, more than 60% to the TOP 30 universities and colleges in the United States, Canada or Hong Kong, China, and about 20% to the TOP 20 universities and colleges in the United States. j68jN2.,Nk3!1g
学校地址:广州市天河区中山大道西1号 I9?9xQ6!4oN3;3u
School Address: No. 1, Zhongshan West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou G4?8pu9:7pH7.,N