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Northeast Normal University, or NENU, is an institution of higher learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, being selected as one of the universities given priority in construction of the211 Project.



About NENU E4!3fn9+6Lo82H

Northeast Normal University, or NENU, is an institution of higher learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, being selected as one of the universities given priority in construction of the211 Project. NENU is situated in Changchun City—the beautiful Spring City of northern China—with the main campus locatedin the Renmin Street, covering 730,000 square meters and the Jingyue campus located in the picturesque Jingyuetan Tourism Development Zone, occupying 940,000 square meters. R9!2gK9!6Cu1=3s

NENU's predecessor is Northeast University. It was the first comprehensive university founded by the Communist Party in Northeast China in 1946 and located in Changchun City in 1949. The university was renamed Northeast Normal University in 1950 according to the needs of national education development. Zhang Xuesi, vice president of the Northeast Administrative Council and brother of General Zhang Xueliang, was the first president of NENU. Zhang Ruxin, Cheng Fangwu, Ding Haochuan and other famous educators had in turn taken the leading position in NENU. The current Party’s Secretary is Professor Yang Xiaohui and the President is Professor Liu Yichun. f6!2Sg9.3dw,:3m

There were 25,218 full-time students in NENU, including 14,719 undergraduates, 9,864 M.A. and Ph. D students. This includes 635 foreign students. R3:9qb,;8hO1=1v

In 2004, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the Graduate School, which strengthened the disciplinary structure of NENU. NENU has 23 schools and 68 undergraduate specialties. Up to now, there are 34 level-1 disciplines offering master's degrees and 22 level-1 disciplines offering doctoral degrees; 11 level-2 disciplines offering master's degrees (excluding level-1 disciplines of master's degrees) and 3 level-2 disciplines offering doctoral degrees (excluding level-1 disciplines of doctoral degrees) as well as 16 Post-doctoral R&D Stations, one professional doctoral degree of education and 19 professional master degrees. NENU also has a 985 Project Innovation Platform for Teacher Education & Advantageous Discipline, 5 Level-2 national key academic disciplines,8 key disciplines of 211 Project, 32 level-1 provincial key characteristic disciplines of the twelfth five-year plan. History, Chinese and Biology are personnel training and scientific research bases of the national fundamental disciplines of arts and sciences. NENU has formed a comprehensive discipline structure, covering 11 discipline fields, except military and medical science. z1.,ER5=3Q03+7y

In NENU, there is 1 key national laboratory—Engineering Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Proteins and Genes Screening,and 5 key laboratories of the Ministry of Education. These include the Laboratory of Vegetation Ecology, Laboratory of Polyoxometalates Science, Laboratory of Applied Statistics, Laboratory of Molecule Epigenetics and Laboratory of Ultra Violet (UV) Light Emitting Materials and Technology (under construction). The Laboratory of Ecological Restoration and Ecological System Managementof NENUis a provincial and ministerial joint base for state key laboratory cultivation. The Laboratory of Power Batteryof NENUis a national and local joint engineering laboratory. V4:3mr2!2qj4?1w

NENU also has two engineering research centers of the Ministry of Education and1 key laboratory of the Ministry of Environmental Protection .The engineering research centers are the Research Center of Agriculture and Medicine Genetic Engineering and Engineering Research Center for Digital Learning Support Technology (under construction), and the key laboratory of the ministry is the Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Vegetation Restoration. NENU has 2 bases of the Program of Introducing “Talents of Disciplines” to Universities—one is on the science of plant genomics, the second one is on the science of micro-nano optoelectronic materials. The University also has 1 International Science and Technology Cooperation Base, that is, the International Research Center of Human Stem Cells Bank. The Institute for Basic Education Research in Rural Areas, and Research Center of the History of World Civilization in NENU are key research bases for humanities and social sciences under the Ministry of Education. The Training and Research Base for College Counselors, and National Training Base and Research Center for Women/Gender Studies were set up in NENU by the Ministry of Education and the All-China Women’s Federation respectively. Q3-8Oq2,iE5.1q

Many institutes of training and research have been set up in NENU. These institutes include the Research Center of National Basic Education, the NENU Research Center of National Secondary and Primary School Teachers' Continuing Education,the National Training Center of Modern Educational Technology, the Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan and the National Training Center for Kindergarten Principals. Others include Northeast Education Management Cadres' Training Center of the Ministry of Educationand Northeast Higher Normal Education Teachers' Training Center of the Ministry of Education. In NENU, there is also the School of Distance and Continuing Education, and some high schools, primary schools and kindergartens are attached to it,as well as a university press famous for publishing educational books. O2:9nL2!9mT8-1A

NENU has famous experts and scholars at home and abroad.NENU has1489 full-time teachers, including 451 professors, 522 associate professors and 350 Ph.D. supervisors. Among the outstanding faculty, there are 17 members of the Third World Academy of Science and the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, 2 experts of the "Thousand Talents Program", 7 distinguished professors and 4 visiting professors of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program. The university also has 4 winners of the National Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, 3 winners of National Young & Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions, 3 experts of the "One Hundred Talent Plan" of the Chinese Academy of Science, 69 members of the Program for Trans-century (New Century) Excellent Talents in Universities and 4 members of National Distinguished Teacher. u9.9Ac9.8U06.6s

Under the guidance of the concept of “Respect-based Education” in recent years, NENU has based its development on education and teaching, and explored and reformed the talents training mode in accordance with its goal positioning of talents training. In 2003, NENU began its education and teaching reform and embarked on a new round of undergraduate teaching reform in line with the talents training objective of “easy access, solid foundation, professional skills and more employment”. In 2005, NENU successfully passed the assessment of undergraduate teaching performance by the Ministry of Education and gained an excellent result. In 2007, in order to implement the national policy of free normal education, NENU adopted the talents training mode of “3+0.5+0.5+2” which integrated undergraduate study with postgraduate study and launched the “Educator Training Project”. In 2008, supported by the Project “Innovation Platform for Advantageous Discipline” of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance, NENU started the Project “Innovation Platform for Teacher Education” to achieve the higher goal of the “cradle of educators”. To improve the quality and deepen the reform of teacher education, NENU initiated and implemented the cooperative model of “Normal Universities-Local Government-Elementary & Secondary Schools” (U-G-S) for cooperative education, which forms the teacher education and talents training pattern highly integrating theories with practices. In 2014, 7 doctoral dissertations from NENU were rated as National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations (NEDD) and another 17 doctoral dissertations were nominated for NEDD. E7:5We5.6Hn71W

The graduates of NENU receive a positive evaluation from the society with their solid professional ideas, generous basic knowledge, high-quality education, well-knit basic theory and professional skills. The university has enjoyed high prestige in basic education such that its graduates are always in high demand. Nearly 40% of the graduates pass the entrance exams of NENU and other famous colleges and universities, such as Peking and Tsinghua Universities, to seek a master degree every year. Many of our graduates find jobs in Beijing and such coastal cities as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. In 2004, NENU was granted “the Advanced Work Units” by the State Council, being one of the four colleges and universities in China to get this title of honor. In September 2009, the title of “the Advanced Collectives in the National Education System” was conferred on the Student Career Center by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education. In 2010, NENU got a title of “a Model for National Colleges and Universities in the Employment of Graduates in 2010”. In 2012, “the Advanced Work Units” was conferred on NENU again by the State Council, making NENU become one of the two colleges and universities in China to get the honor twice. J,~6Rk,?3GB7=,m

Northeast Normal University is strengthened by scientific research through advancing high-level and distinctive scientific researches. From 2006 to the end of 2013, NENU undertook 3,257 scientific research projects at or above provincial level with RMB 823 million funds in total. Among these projects, there are 92 humanity and social sciences projects including Marxism Theory Research and Construction Project, major projects supported by National Social Sciences Foundation, major projects and key programs in Philosophy and Social Sciences Research supported by the Ministry of Education, major projects for key research centers of Humanity and Social Sciences Research supported by the Ministry of Education, New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Program, National Qing-Dynasty History Editing Projects and major projects entrusted by the state ministries or national committees. Other projects include 117 natural science research projects covering national “863” and “973” Programs, and major projects of the Ministry of Education as well as the Ministry of Science and Technology. Since 2006, there have been over 5,000 CSSCI papers and 3,900 SCI papers published by the students of NENU. In November 2013, as indicated by the Basic Scientific Index database, the total cited number of NENU’s ESI papers ranked 33rd among China's universities with average cited frequency per paper ranking 1st. Since 2001, the humanity and social sciences of NENU have obtained 799 awards at or above provincial level, including 32 excellent achievement awards for national universities' humanities and social sciences research and 12 outstanding achievement awards for national education science. The natural sciences of NENU have also obtained 86 awards at or above provincial level, including 4 national awards. u27kl9+1Br,+8q

For more than half a century, the outstanding disciplines of NENU, especially the Life Science, Ecology, Education and Historical Education, have achieved a higher status in Chinese academic circles. Cytogenetic, Ideological and Political Education, Grassland Ecology, Applied Mathematics, Multi-acids Chemistry, Functional Materials, Environment Science, Ancient History of the World and Middle Ages History of the World are in a leading and influential position at home and abroad. The researches on comparison of world civilization, major issues of basic education, grassland ecology, cytogenetic and other outstanding areas are all progressing in encouraging ways and gradually forming the informative China northeast materials science and other new research areas. g3=,Au1!4td1?8G

NENU enjoys the reputation as “Parkview School” with grassy land, swaying willows in summer and silver dancing snowflakes in winter. In recent years, NENU continues to strengthen infrastructures for students’ learning and living to provide a comfortable environment and good condition. As one of the first colleges and universities connecting into the China Education and Research Network (CERNET) and the Next Generation Network, NENU has three Internet service providers—CERNET, China Unicom and China Telecom. With the total bandwidth reaching 3.5G, the number of Internet users is over 30,000. Through the construction project of “Digitalized University”, NENU has developed a platform covering unified identity authentication, consolidated database and payment system, creating a network environment of a good user experience. The functional campus card system can provide teachers and students with such services as paying, passing the accessing control system, checking attendance, controlling water consumption and recording fitness test results. There are two libraries with a total construction area of 38,300 square meters. All together there are about 3.53 million paper books, 1.348 million e-books and 5154 seats provided for the students. NENU has a relatively complete digital library, with its abundant electronic resources reaching 187.5T. There are 117 databases, of which 20 are built by NENU. The library of NENU provides nearly 900 computers for students to search and read documents on line. It is one of the large libraries among the libraries of domestic colleges and universities with a rich collection of books and a higher degree of modernization. With a total construction area of 16,700 square meters, the Museum of Natural History has nearly 90,000 specimens. It is a comprehensive museum including science education, collection of research, cultural exchanges and intellectual leisure. The Museum is identified as the “Scientific Activity Base for Students in Primary and High Schools of Changchun” by the Changchun Education Committee in 2000, “Science Base of Jilin Province” by the Department of Science and Technology of Jilin Province and “the Training Base for Youth Reporters in Jilin Province” by 7 units such as the Communist Youth League of Jilin Province and the Department of Education of Jilin Province in 2007. In 2008, the Museum was rated as a National First-class Museum by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage in 2008 and “a National Environmental Science Base” by the Ministry of Environmental Protection in 2010. Also,NENU established basketball courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, roller skating rink, swimming pool, plastic track and field stadium, indoor track and field hall and so on which are first class among domestic universities. Northeast Normal University Gymnasium covers a construction area of 25,500 square meters, with a capacity of 6000 spectators. Its main building consists of a comprehensive competition hall and nine training centers, which is a comprehensive gymnasium with the most versatile and advanced facilities in domestic universities. L1?5Uu,-4CF,;7L

The students in NENU have colorful extracurricular activities. The University has formed a campus cultural pattern with a series of excellent and characteristic activities at the school level and the university level. These activities include the academic report of “Double Hundred Forum”, the science and technology contest of “Challenge Cup”, moral construction project of “Civilization and Cultivation”, the original art festival of “Shining NENU”, the fascinating show of “Passion of Youth”, the basketball and football competitions of “Bachelor Cup” and “Elite Cup” and other competitions of different majors or academic disciplines. These activities have provided a platform for students to improve their comprehensive quality, enrich their spiritual life and sublimate their moral state. N6:5Pu7+7st4:,I

In January 2007, NENU hosted the opening performance of the 6th Asian Winter Games, and this was the first time for a university in china to prepare and host the opening performance of an international sports event. In 2012, NENU got a second prize in the A-level Group of Art Performance of the 3rd National College and University Students Art Performance Activities. In the “Challenge Cup”, a competition of science and technology works of national college and university students, the students of NENU got the Grand Prize of the Science Group and the Art Group in the 9thand the 11thcompetition respectively, and this was the first time for Jilin Province to win the Prize in the competition. In the 10thCompetition of the “Challenge Cup”, the students of NENU got a Winning Prize. In the China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest, which is recognized as the top contest of science and technology for Chinese adolescents, the students of NENU have made it on the list for four consecutive years. In 2007, 2008 and 2012, three students of NENU were given the title of Self-improvement Star of National College and University Students. The volunteer service activities of NENU also have a national wide influence. The Red Candle Voluntary Association of NENU is rated as China’s Top 10 Advanced Unit of Youth Volunteer Service, an Outstanding Organization of Youth Volunteer Service, a National Advanced Unit of “Learn from Lei Feng” Volunteer Service and a National Advanced Unit of Helping the Disabled. Apart from this, the Red Candle Voluntary Association of NENU has won three times the title of China’s Top 100 Advanced Unit of Excellent Volunteer Service. K8:5Hj5?5Dh6;,y

NENU attaches great importance to the development of international cooperation and exchanges. It has established cooperation and exchange relations with more than 220 universities and colleges and research institutions in over 30 countries, including the USA, Canada, Japan, the UK, Korea, Australia, and Russia. The university has alsoinvited more than 270 foreign experts as honorary professors or visiting professors,suchas the Noble Prize winner, Professor Yang Zhenning. Over the past five years, NENU has sent its teachers abroad as visiting scholars for further improvement and study. Recent years have seen NENU hold over 90 international and regional academic conferences and conduct many significant cooperative researches, which have improved NENU’s influence and international reputation. In order to cultivate internationalized talents, NENU sends more than 200 students abroad and enroll students from over 80 countries and regions for further study in NENU every year. NENU has established Confucius Colleges in Dong-A University, Korea, Spanish Valencia University, American University of Alaska-Anchorage and Canadian Seneca College as well as the Confucius Classroom in The National University of Mongolia. In order to promote the experience of NENU in normal education, a number of efforts have been made including the setting up of the Training Base of International Chinese Language Teachers, the Chinese Education Base and the Foreign Aid Base of NENU. Q2-5hO2+,mS7:8k

For over 60 years since its foundation, NENU has produced more than 200,000 graduates who become all kinds of talents for national modernization construction. R5?7Pd9;3Xs12p

Entering into the new century, according to the development ideasof “make the school more strong, more open, more harmonious to fully demonstrate the characteristics of school”, the management of NENU is working hard to follow through with the Concept of Respect-based Education, pursuing educational innovation, stressing the distinctive characteristics of management, enhancing quality of education, and making great efforts to build NENU into a first-class normal university worldwide. H4?8yi,?9ub,!3f

School Orientation

Motto: To be diligent and innovative, to be a paragon of education. D1.9vG56Lh66T

Guiding Principle: To serve basic education as well as economic and social development. J6!,iO4?4BK9.3s

Construction Goals:To build NENU into a first-rate normal university worldwide, as its intention is to make the education and teaching reach a first class level in the world and several disciplines reach a first-classlevel in China, characterized by researches and internationalization. W4~,Of5~9qy,2n

Development ideas: To make the university stronger, more open, and more harmonious to fully demonstrate the characteristics of a university. U,!7Ni7!2ny1!2e

Strategy of Running the University:Education is the foundation to build the university,scientific research the foundation to strengthen the university and running the university by law the foundation to govern the university. s4.3aN1=5XO7.5f

Education Philosophy:Respect-based Education——respect the rules of education, the rules of talent development, the personality of students and the fruits of educators’ labor. h4!1AU5;6fz5+70

History & Revolution

Northeast Normal University (NENU) is an institution of higher learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, and one of the national key universities given construction priority of the “211 Project”. NENU is located in Changchun City—the beautiful Spring City of Northern China, and reputed as the cradle of teachers. b1:2qN6;6Iu8~9n

NENU's predecessor was the Northeast University, which was founded in Benxi City, of Liaoning Province in February, 1946. During the war, the university moved through many cities, such as Dandong, Tonghua, Meihekou, Jilin, Changchun and Harbin. It settled in the City of Jiamusi in June 1946. In July, 1948, the Northeast University moved southward to Jilin City, merged with Jilin University, and was named Northeast University to begin with its regularized school education. From 1948 to 1949, the former Northeast University in Shenyang City, Changchun University, and Baicheng Normal University were consecutively merged into Northeast University, which was made the largest comprehensive university in the Northeast of China at that time. In July, 1949, the university was moved to Changchun City. b9!5Np5.4AE9!9x

In April, 1950, Northeast University was renamed as Northeast Normal University to meet the needs of national education development, and became a normal university of higher learning aimed at training the new-type middle school teachers, under the administration of the Ministry of Education. In April 1958, Northeast Normal University was downgraded to a lower level under the administration of Jilin Province and renamed as Jilin Normal University. In February 1958, approved by the State Council, the university was again under the administration of the Ministry of Education. In August 1980, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, the university readopted the name as “Northeast Normal University”. From then on, NENU has stepped in to a new era of development. It restored original academic disciplines, established new ones and set up the Graduate School. In 1996, it became one of the first key universities in the national 211 Project. In 2009, it undertook the national project— 985 Project Innovation Platform for Teacher Education & Advantageous Discipline'. o8+3jO8!2zH4~,w

In recent years, NENU has achieved great improvement in such aspects as discipline construction, talents training, teaching staff, scientific research, international cooperation, social service and the overall education condition. This has been made possible with the support of 211 Project, 985 Project Innovation Platform for Teacher Education and Advantageous Discipline and the Agreement of Joint Construction between the Ministry of Education and Jilin Province. NENU has become a comprehensive, research-oriented university with its own characteristics, including such disciplines as philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, management and arts. N3?7jy4=3Fo4?5e

Historical Events

In 2014, NENU's postgraduate student Li Jianrou from School of Physical Education won the first gold medal for China in the female 500-meter short-track speeding skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics. t5.4pQ1!1ER44v

On 25 June 2013, three experimental teaching centers of biology, media and arts were rated as “National Experimental Teaching Demonstrating Center” by the Ministry of Education. J9~2aV32sN,:,u

On 19 April 2012, Liu Yichun was appointed as the President of NENU by the Ministry of Education. C7:2SF49Kh8;8f

On 24 March 2011, on the basis of history and geography, NENU increased 8 doctorate authorization first-level disciplines and 6 master's degree authorization first-level disciplines. The 8 doctorate authorization first-level disciplines include philosophy, applied economics, political science, psychology, science of physical education, foreign languages and literature, arts and physics. The 6 master's degree authorization first-level disciplines are law, sociology, foreign languages and literature, physics, computer science and technology, library, information and archives management. v2+5r03;1fp4=8D

On 6 April 2010, NENU held a series of activities celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Jingyue campus under the theme of “Inheritance and Development”. l1:,XF1:,eM3;8H

On 28 November 2009, “the Opening Ceremony of Educational Talents Market for National Graduates of Colleges and Universities” was held in Changchun International Convention and Exhibition Center. j2.3Uq34zj,:5X

On 21 June 2008, Engineering Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Proteins and Genes Screening declared by Research Center of Agriculture and Medicine Genetic Engineering of the Ministry of Education were officially authorized, being NENU’s first national engineering laboratory and the first state-level laboratory. R3!,xh4;3XR6.7M

On 24 December 2007, the signing ceremony of “Innovative Experimental Zone of Teacher Education in Northeast China” supported by theDepartment of Education ofLiaoning Province, the Department of Education of Jilin Province, the Department of Education of Heilongjiang Province and NENU was held in our university. h4=3eQ1+2Hq7?1e

On 23 September 2005, the History Museum of NENU was completed and put into use. W8!1xi4;8Ei5=5H

On 30 June 2004, NENU passed the assessment by the Ministry of Education to establish Graduate School. A,-,Hc8=6wo34G

On 25 September 2003, NENU established the Commission of Undergraduate Teaching Instruction. Q1~6oW9!7bY5~,z

On 26 February 2002, NENU had 6 more undergraduate majors. S9:1vP4!,nY5?8M

On 24 March 2001, Northeast Normal University Ideal Software Co., Ltd., the first software developing company focusing on e-teaching of basic education in secondary and primary schools in China, was founded at Tian Jiabing Hall. e5;5Iq7;1OS81w

In 2000, NENU held the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of Jingyue campus. q7.7Ci5.7Da4~9L

In 1999, it was officially decided to establish Jingyue campus throughdiscussion at the enlarged meeting of the standing party committee of NENU. NENU issuedthe Decision on Undertaking New Reforms of Administrative System of NENU. 03~1FS7~9eA3:8t

In 1998, NENU bought the first big-size precision instrument from the China branch office of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and held the signing ceremony at Yifu Science Hall. i,!9UH4?,Rk1!,k

In 1996, NENU celebrated the 50th anniversary of its founding. m9=4hN7?7rY,:1a

In 1995, it was decided by the State Education Commissionto set up a Research Center of National Basic Education in NENU. NENU had passed the preliminary inspection by experts of the 211 Project. h4!7bH7=8Ju4:1E

In 1994, our university increased a batch of doctorate authorization majors, master's degree authorization majors and Ph.D. supervisors. 05~2kG2!9ua7+1U

In 1993, the motto of NENU was officially decided. U71jU7=8tZ2=,p

In 1991, the inauguration ceremony for Yifu Science Hall was held in NENU. w5-5Vg5~70n3-1s

In 1990,Key Points of Comprehensive Reformswas released by NENU. o2=3zt4;3YG4?1d

In 1988, NENU was authorized by the State Education Commission to validate the qualification of professors and associate professors. r,:2Oy,+6NS9=7C

In 1986, NENU celebrated the 40thanniversary of its founding at the stadium. n5+2ag4!5Qt1?1o

In 1985, NENU set up the University Affairs Committee based on the instructions ofthe State Education Commission. Z3.,nI6:9dD4-7E

In 1983, upon the invitation of NENU, the President and other three guests of Southern Illinois University came to our university for a three-day visit. P6:8aY4!,FA6+4n

In 1982, NENU was approved by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China to publish a bimonthly magazineCorrespondence Education of Teachers in Higher Education, the first openly published magazine on higher correspondence education in China. E5~7Ej1-1Zl8~6n

In 1981, 31 disciplines and majors in NENU were authorized by the Academic Degree Commission of the State Council to award master’s degree. l17Gv9-6MH2-4F

In 1980, our university regained the name of Northeast Normal University by the approval of the Ministry of Education. E9;8RB8~3DL,2c

In 1979, the opening ceremony of the Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan entrusted by the Ministry of Education was held in our university. B3=,Cq3;1mr7?3b

In 1978, the State Council approved that our university was under the joint administration of the Ministry of Education and Jilin Province, mainly the leadership of the Ministry of Education. f6.6tZ8?9sF5+1u

In 1960, the number of majors of each department or discipline was readjusted from 27 to 16. K1;8Ip4.8mU56Z

In 1958,theCentralCommitteeoftheCommunistPartyofChinareleasedthe Instructions on Downgrading Institutions of Higher Education and Secondary Technical Schools. Our university was downgraded to a lower level under the administration of Jilin Province. L7.1oJ8;5wK8.6v

In 1954, the preliminary design of the basic construction of our school was completed. The first party congress of our university was held in the same year. x2+9XT4=2wB6!4K

In 1953, the Ministry of Education unified the planning on the cultivation of graduate students. Our university took on the task of training graduate students majored in modern Chinese language,ancient history of the world and modern history of the world. U7;5DB9!8Zc8.80

In 1950, Faculty Association was renamed as “Northeast University Committee of China Education Work Union”. Liu Chengyun was appointed as the President and was soon succeeded by Wu Boxiao. w97lZ2~5he7.9W

In 1948, Northeast University moved to the City of Jilin, merged with Jilin University and retained its name as Northeast University. Zhang Ruxin was appointed as the President; He Xilin, thechief education officerand Zhang Songru, the vice chief education officer. m4.5fy8.5TI6!1q

In 1946, Hejiang Daily published Admission Brochures of Northeast University. f3;1ZN9~2WY3;1I

In 1946, Northeast Bureau decided to change the name of Northeast College to “Northeast University” and appointed Zhang Xuesi as the President, Bai Xiqing and Shu Qun as the Vice Presidents and Zhang Songru as the chief education officer. I7-5RK6!1xp4=2d

In 1945, Chairman Mao came to Yanan University to convey the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the President Zhou Yang and the Vice President Zhang Ruxin to send a batch of key talents to northeast China to establish Northeast University. k4.1DP3~6uc4.6W




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