南京林业大学家居与工业设计学院(原名:家具与工业设计学院)成立于2008年9月,现设有家具设计、家具与木制品工程、工业设计、设计技术、信息与交互技术系五个系和一个实验中心。现有教职工58人,其中教授9人(博士生导师6人)、副教授16人,教师中有博士学位34人、硕士学位11人、在读博士10人,并且有27人分别是从德国、日本、英国、美国、意大利等留学回国。 f8!8Bn4=4Bs4-,A
学院现有工业设计、工业设计(家具设计)、产品设计(艺术类)3个专业及方向,在校本科学生近800人,研究生和留学生220多人。 t52zm7~,0a81r
学院拥有江苏省重点学科“家具设计与工程”(隶属于国家一流学科“林业工程”)、国家级重点学科“木材科学与技术(家具与木制品工艺)”2个博士点,“设计学(工业产品设计及理论)”硕士点,“工业设计工程”、“林业工程(家具设计与制造)”2个工程硕士点。“家具设计与工程”博士点是目前国内高校中最早设立的家具与室内设计类博士点学科,从2004年起,已正式开始招收硕士和博士研究生。 G2~7LN7?4gR6?4V
学院建有“中意家居设计创新中心”、“中加艾伯特木材应用创新中心”、“中芬设计中心”3个国际合作平台,“江苏省家具家饰产品设计工程技术研究中心”、“江苏省工业设计中心”、“江苏省家居产业工业设计协同创新中心”、“江苏省家具设计与工程省级实践教育中心”4个省级科研平台,“家具与木制品工程技术中心”、“家具设计研究中心”、“工业设计研究中心”、“古典家具与红木工艺研究所”、“人类工效学研究所”等校级研究机构。同时,学院拥有国家级工业设计工程专业学位研究生联合培养示范基地1个、江苏省企业研究生工作站10多个、校企合作产学研实践基地100多个,在校内拥有面积近1000平方米的家具生产实训车间。学院主持编辑出版国家级《家具》杂志。 w4+1LH12iX4.6X
近三年来学院先后承担并完成国家、省部级科研项目40余项,企业委托课题130余项;鉴定验收成果15项,获省部级等部门奖50余项(含设计奖);授权专利400多项(其中发明专利36项,实用新型专利52项);技术服务80余次,产品开发与技术转让70余项;出版本专科和研究生专业教材以及专著30余部,在国内外有较高影响的专业杂志上发表学术论文400多篇。 j7~4D07+1FP5?,T
学院是中国林学会木材工业学会家具与室内装饰研究会会长单位,江苏省工业设计学会、中国家具协会、全国工商联家具装饰业商会的常务理事单位,江苏省家具行业协会、江苏省工商联家具装饰业商会的副会长单位,中国家具协会设计委员会、科学技术委员会的副主任单位,教育部高等学校林业工程类专业指导委员会委员单位,中国林业出版社高等院校木材科学与设计艺术学科教材编写指导委员会副主任单位、设计艺术学科组组长单位。学院与美国、加拿大、德国、法国、英国、意大利、芬兰、日本、韩国、越南等国家的高校或研究机构建立了广泛的人员交流和科技合作关系。 A8?,HU3~,ph5?6X
学院以“办一流学院、建一流师资、育一流人才、出一流成果、创一流效益”为办学宗旨和发展目标,依托“家具设计与工程”省级重点学科优势和工业设计本科专业特色,结合社会对人才的需求,以“家具”和“家居”为研究重点,立足于“为人的居住生活而设计”的办学理念,朝着与人们居住生活密切相关的工业产品和家居环境的设计方向拓展专业和学科的研究方向。 W,?7MZ2;3hT3:1X
College of Furniture and Industrial Design was established in September 2008 on the basis of the Department of Furniture Design from College of Wood Science and Technology and the Department of Industrial Design from College of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering. Its predecessor can be traced back to the teaching research section of Wood Machining of Department of Forest Industry set up in 1952 when NFU was founded. In 1983, based on undergraduate program of wood machining, a three-year diploma program of Furniture Design and Manufacture in China was set up, and followed by an undergraduate program of Furniture Design and Manufacture in December 1986 approved by State Education Commission of the People’s Republic of China and State Forestry Administration. In the beginning of 1990s, the name of Furniture Design and Manufacture was first changed into Furniture and Interior Design and then to Interior and Furniture Design with the development of our furniture decoration. P48og68Ev7!4Z
The College is composed of Departments of Furniture Design, Engineering for Furniture and Wooden Products, Industrial Design, Design Technology, Central Laboratories and so on. There are 4 undergraduate programs of Design for Industrial Products, Furniture Design, Art Design for Products and Art Design for Architectural Industrial Products, 2 master degree programs of Design Arts (Design for Industrial Products and Theory) and Forest Engineering (Furniture Manufacturing and Interior Decoration),and 2 doctorate programs of Furniture Design and Engineering (a provincial key discipline) and Wood Science and Technology (Furniture and Wooden Products Technology, a national key discipline). A6=2yt1=7nQ3+7B
The College has 40 teaching and administrative staff, including 4 professors, 8 associate professors 9 teachers with doctor’s degree, 19 with the master’s degree and 5 are pursuing doctoral degrees. At present, the total number of full-time students is up to 1000. M2;6Ds1!6pg2?5r
The college has such research institutes as Institute of Furniture and Wooden Products, Research Center of Furniture Design, Research Center of Industrial Design, Institute of Classical Furniture and Padauk Crafts, Ergonomics institute, etc. The College takes charge of editing and publishing an Interior Design + Construction Magazine-national (the Journal of CIID) and participates in editing and publishing a Furniture Magazine. z5+6gK,=2HN7!5r
In recent years, the College has undertaken nearly 60 research projects at the ministerial and provincial level, edited over 20 textbooks and published over 200 papers on influential academic periodicals at home and abroad. Meanwhile, the College takes an active role in developing academic exchanges and has established intercollegiate ties with universities and institutions of more than 9 countries and regions, including the USA, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Finland, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, etc. E1+9TX2=8IJ27R