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上海市浦东新区就业促进中心是上海市浦东新区就业服务机构。 x6.4jn7-6dQ9!4M

上海市浦东新区就业促进中心(以下简称:中心)是上海市浦东新区人力资源和社会保障局下属事业单位,主要承担促进就业、扶持创业及加强职业技能培训工作,主要职能包括落实就业促进政策、职业指导、创业指导、职业培训管理、劳动力资源管理、来沪人员就业管理、失业保险基金管理等各类公共就业管理服务工作。 h3-,mm4:9XX3;1O

Shanghai Pudong New Area Employment Promotion Center (hereinafter referred to as “the center”) is an institution under the Shanghai Pudong New Area Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, which is mainly responsible for promoting employment, supporting entrepreneurship and strengthening professional skills training; the main functions include implementing employment promotion policies, career guidance, entrepreneurship guidance, management and promotion of professional training , management of unemployment insurance fund, labor resources management, migrant workers employment management and other types of public employment management services. N56mN32CS2~7r

作为公共就业服务体系的主要组成部分之一,中心紧密围绕经济社会发展需求,秉着“定制·集成·高效”的工作理念,持续促进新区更高质量更充分就业。 J9!6wN3!9GO5.,r

As the main part of the public employment service system, the center closely focuses on the economy demand for social development, and "Customization·Integrations· Efficiency" idea to continuously improve the employment in Pudong. x5;7bT3=1XM3~8w

一、主要职责: O2+8nl4-7cl9+2u

I. Main Responsibilities: M9=9Qs1?,KH,-1M

1、贯彻执行国家、本市及新区的劳动就业法律、法规、政策,负责管理和指导新区就业服务工作。 b,.5mI,!5IR3.6G

1. Implement laws, regulations and policies on employment in the state, municipality and Pudong district; and in charge of the management and guidance of employment in Pudong. y,~6Wv1~9Bg9!7l

2、负责中心派出公共就业服务机构的规划布点和业务管理等工作。负责新区公共就业服务相关管理信息系统的开发、管理和维护工作。 r2!,KH4=2ZC5?6i

2. To be responsible for the planning, distribution and business management of the public employment service branches dispatched by the center. Responsible for the development, management and maintenance of public employment service related management information system in Pudong. G1=5Sb48VC3.9m

3、负责新区公共职业介绍和职业指导工作,指导开展青年见习工作,并负责指导新区就业援助工作。 d26ay,?,oU9:7D

3. To be responsible for the public occupation introduction and career guidance, to guide the work of youth apprenticeship, and to guide the work of employment assistance in Pudong. z4:5PW4=9Ig3~4x

4、负责新区创业指导管理工作,指导和开展新区创业园区、校区、社区等的创业指导服务;创业见习基地的申报与管理;指导创业专家志愿团开展服务等工作。 A14LH,:,hp9;2c

4. To be responsible for the guidance of entrepreneurship, to guide and develop entrepreneurial park, campus, community and other business guidance services; management of entrepreneurial training bases; to guide the volunteer group of entrepreneurial experts to carry out service and so forth. H,=4bI2~2VN5-5G

5、负责落实新区职业培训指导和管理工作,主要包括:培训机构(项目)资质的初审;负责培训过程管理;指导区自主开发课程、高技能人才培养等重点专项工作。 J9:,tE4!3Go2-1U

5. To be responsible for the guidance and management of professional training in Pudong,mainly includes the preliminary check of the qualifications of training institutions (projects); supervision of training ,key special tasks’ guide, such as regional independent developing courses and high-skilled talents training . i4!9oO6?5Vj7.5E

6、做好新区职业技能、创业、见习、就业困难人员等促进就业补贴资金的使用和管理相关工作。 m5!2vD,~7cE4?8t

6. Promoting the use and management of employment subsidy funds in Pudong, such as professional skills, entrepreneurship, apprenticeship and people with difficulties in finding jobs. C5.8jx5?4Un8+,D

7、负责规范失业登记和劳动力资源管理,开展劳动用工备案、失业人员档案管理和劳动资源调查,监测劳动力资源市场情况。 j,6mO8?,pT2~6u

7. To be responsible for the registration of unemployment and the management of labor resources; carrying out the labor employment filing, unemployed personnel file management and labor resource survey;and to monitor the situation of the labor resources market. P4~2nc7~,HY6=7F

8、负责新区外地来沪人员的就业管理和服务工作。 U9=4ev,?4jx9-1N

8. To be responsible for the employment management and service of migrant workers in Pudong. U,.5fq3:2va3+3X

9、负责对区域内公共就业服务机构的业务指导工作。 b63Jj8.1jD6;4l

9. To be responsible for the business guidance of public employment service agencies in Pudong. o5;6CJ4:6XP8:6a

10、承担委托或交办的其他职责任务。 v9~6PI75wz3!6c

10. Undertake other duties and tasks entrusted or assigned. F6=,Qb920D,+30

二、部门设置: K2.2jo8;4A05?5z

II. Department setting: C49Ag5+7Ae8=,b

上海市浦东新区就业促进中心共设置10个内设部门和9个非独立法人办事点。 Z2.5Nq8!5fM,?2s

The center has set up a total of 10 internal departments and 9 branch centers. i3-1dy4.4Cy1~6B

(一)内设机构:1、党建办公室(行风办);2、行政办公室;3、信息管理服务科;4、创业指导服务科;5、职业培训管理服务科;6、职介服务科;7、外劳就业管理服务科;8、劳动力资源管理科;9、失业保险基金管理科;10、就业援助服务科。 x7?7Nc7:7iN49a

(二)非独立法人办事点:1、云台路分中心;2、金桥分中心;3、外高桥分中心;4、川沙分中心;5、三林分中心;6、惠南分中心;7、康桥分中心;8、航头分中心;9、临港分中心。 O1?,So,:50f38N

Internal organization: X9?4nm6!5rA3-3t

1. Party Affairs Office F6~6uV1+5Ag3=9M

2. Administrative Affairs Office t8:6bi5;7At4~9J

3. Information Management Office L9~3Yi3+6Yx7:8B

4. Entrepreneurship Guidance Service Office c2+7HI3.8Mt,.5A

5. Professional Training Management Office K7:3lx5:6LA6~5w

6. Occupation Introduction and Service Office f,+2Ai,.3j09.7v

7. Migrant workers Employment Management and Service Office t35rv3.9mJ2?3x

8. Labor Resource Management Office C6;2QA4:3dH4~6t

9. Unemployment Insurance Fund Management Office k6!4OM9-5Gt6?3M

10. Employment Assistance Service Office. D,=7Gk3+5oJ6;1N

Dependent Legal Person Office: s2!7AZ,:1KI,:4D

1. Yuntai Road Branch Center; B1-9lY7+3eF7,Z

2. Jinqiao Branch Center; p38ud4.9Yd73Z

3. Wai Gaoqiao Branch Center; h3-,KX1=3EF,.9W

4. Chuansha Branch Center; f8=2Xn7~1EV7.,h

5. Sanlin Branch Center; k4:8cl1~3jM5?5l

6. Huinan Branch Center; W4+7vA8=7sC3?6Y

7. Kangqiao Branch Center; O3!6uj5+4Hd6,T

8. Hangtou Branch Center; N9=2CA9?2Vz6?7D

9. Linggang Branch Center. r3~4BO7=2pZ4-7l


2020年9月,获得“上海市抗击新冠肺炎疫情先进集体”荣誉称号。 S8!9Fa8-7QH4?9W




主办:中国共产党上海市浦东新区委员会党校(上海市浦东新区行政学院) ;地址:上海市浦东新区张东路988号(近龙东大道)详情>>

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