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健康产业学院是长春建筑学院的十个分院之一。始建于2018年3月。是学校以区域经济社会发展、行业产业转型升级为着眼点的一项战略举措;也是学校学科专业合理布局的体现;更是适应“健康中国2030”的要求。 E1+5se8;5IS,?5k

Health Industry College is one of ten colleges in Changchun University of architecture and civil engineering. It was established in 2018. The college is fit to social development and regional economy, rational distribution of discipline in the university, and also “Health China 2030”. u4+4RR28E04~,m

在办学过程中,秉承学校“以人为本、突出特色、从严培育、质量立校”的办学理念,培育具有健全人格和自我完善能力、具有扎实的健康医学基础知识、专业知识和应用能力,良好的创新创业意识,崇高的社会责任感和职业道德,具有国际视野的高素质应用型人才。 g,:,MP71jd7+2p

The college takes over the philosophy of schooling, i.e “people oriented, prominent feature, strictly cultivation, university building on quality”, and cultivates high quality applied talents with healthy personality, improving oneself ability, strong basic , professional knowledge & application ability of health medicine, well innovation and career consciousness, sublime scene of social responsibility and professional ethics, and international view. l4=9Nv1=2GB,.8S

目前,学院围绕健康产业成功申办并获批三个本科专业,即护理学专业、康复治疗学专业和健康服务与管理专业等三个本科专业。现有在校生152人。 02:3vz8=4ur6=2b

There are 3 undergraduate programs now, i.e nursing, rehabilitation and health service & management. There are 152 students in school. Y2-5ur3:6gb2+5x

本着办学以教师为中心的理念,努力打造高素质师资队伍。现有专兼职教师26人,其中教授5人,副教授7人,博士1人,硕士18人,双师型15人。初步形成了一支职称结构、学历结构合理、爱岗敬业、理念先进、技能娴熟、教学水平较高、富有创新精神和国际视野的双师结构专业教学团队,师资队伍精良。目前,设有三个专业教研室,即健康服务与管理专业教研室、护理学专业教研室和康复治疗学专业教研室。 f1+4KV9.7vb1;3S

The idea of running an university based on teacher-centered, the college makes great efforts to build a teacher team with high quality. There are totally 26 teachers including full time teacher and part time teacher, 5 professors, 7 associate professors, 1 M.D, 18 masters, 15 dual-teachers in the team. The professional teaching team with reasonable professional title and educational history, loving one's work and be devoted to it, advanced philosophy, adept skill, high teaching level, rich in spirit of innovation and international view was initially formed. The teaching staff is of the best quality. There are 3 departments in the college now, they are departments of nursing, rehabilitation and health service & management. o5=9JW18kI3~8n

学校重视应用型人才培养,强化实践技能训练。学院拥有5000余平米的实验实训(技能)教学中心。现在,中心设有基础护理技能实训室、健康评估实训室、康复实训室(传统疗法技能实训室、OT实训室、PT实训室)、数码互动实训室(虚拟仿真实验室)等12个基础与专业技能实验实训室,为实验教学、技能训练提供了良好的条件。在满足本科教学的同时,可为职业教育、健康教育与培训提供相应的技能实验实训平台和为科研工作奠定一定的基础实验条件。 Y,+5px16aG,!8d

The college pays attention to cultivate applied talents and train practical skill and ability of students. A 5000M2 experimental training center was established, including 12 basic and professional training rooms of basic nursing, health assessment, rehabilitation, digital interaction etc. The well condition was supplied for experimental teaching and skill training. Meanwhile, not only the center can meet need of undergraduate teaching, but also can supply an experimental training platform for vocational education, health education and training and basic experimental condition for science research. K,:6lQ4-6eA1=7j

学院与省内外多家医疗机构、养老机构、孕产机构建立了课间实习和生产实习的校外实践教学基地,为学生们的实践教学提供稳定的保障,并为学生就业、创业创造了有利条件。同时,为实现产学研一体化奠定了一定的基础。也为实现校企融合、产教结合为特色的新型人才培养模式提供良好的条件。 x8=1zY2;3xF,+1U

The practical teaching bases of outside school had be established for during course practice and production practice in inside and outside the province with some medical institutions, nursing institutions for the aged, pregnancy and birth institutions to supply a firm guarantee for student practical teaching, well condition for employment and entrepreneurship of students, meanwhile certain basis for realizing industry-university-research integration, and for new personal training mode featured with school enterprise fusion and industry and education combined. Z9?2bK7+4ax5:1x

学院在未来的发展中,努力构建适应健康产业发展需要的人才培养体系和办学保障体系;加快教师队伍建设,构建高素质教学团队;完善实践教学设施与条件,提高学生专业技能水平;挖掘现有资源,拓展专业领域,打造健康类专业集群;积极推进教学改革和教学研究,适应现代教育技术的发展和教育理念的转变;强化校企融合、产教协同、产学研一体化的意识和理念,形成特有的、全新的教育模式;积极营造良好的学术氛围,以创新带动科研工作的深入开展;以质量求生存,以特色求发展,突出学院的办学特色和优势,实现质量-规模-效益的有机统一。 z62pi7.,Iu2~4U

In future development, the college will do efforts to build a personal training system and a guarantee system of running school, speed construction of teaching staff, build a high quality teaching team, improve experimental facilities and condition, elevate the professional skill level of students, excavate available resources to expand professional field and make a discipline group of health, advance teaching reform and teaching research, adapt to changes of modern educational technology and educational idea, intensify industry-university-research integration, and school enterprise fusion and industry and education combined, construct good academic atmosphere, drive deep development of science research through innovation, strive for survival on basis of quality, seek for development by characteristic, protrude characteristics and advantages of running a university, realize quality-scale-benefit organic unity. T8!8nO4-2aL6?1x





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