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江苏传媒学校(原江苏广播电视学校)是由江苏省广播电视总台(集团)主办的、全省唯一一所专门培养广播影视中、高等技术技能型人才的省属公办全日制普通中等专业学校,江苏联合职业技术学院五年制高职首批办学点,全额拨款事业单位。学校以五年制高等职业教育、普通中专教育为主体,以中国传媒大学成人学历教育及行业、社会培训为双翼,已形成多层次学历教育和多形式职业培训的多元立体办学格局。 a3-7IV5-,Tg3?6e

学校位于文化名城南京市的雨花台风景区旁,占地面积53亩,在校生900余人。学校前身是1955年创办的江苏人民广播电台事业部干部训练班;1984年江苏省广播电视职工中等专业学校成立;1984年5月中国传媒大学(原北京广播学院)在此设立了江苏函授站;1989年江苏省人民政府批准筹建江苏广播电视学校,面向全省招收全日制普通中专班;1992年正式更名为江苏广播电视学校;2001年中国传媒大学(原北京广播学院)远程教育中心在此设立了江苏学习指导中心,同年开始招收网大学员;2002年开始举办五年制高等职业教育;2004年成为江苏联合职业技术学院首批五年制高等职业教育办学点;2018年更名为江苏传媒学校。 O6!3is1+4xl9:3G

学校现开设的五年制高职专业有:播音与主持、广播影视节目制作、摄影摄像技术、影视动画,面向全省招收初中毕业生。 r94xf,-6JI6:4M

学校按行业标准建有数字演播室、大洋非线性编辑实训室、苹果动画实训室、MAYA动画实训室等设备先进的各类专业实训室20余个,紧密合作的校外实训实习基地50多家,并设有“江苏省摄影行业国家职业技能鉴定所江苏广播电视学校工作站”。 n8:7De19AW4,T

学校教师队伍层次分明,结构合理。依托总台,特聘享受国务院特殊津贴的专家和行业内知名度高的播音指导和导演担任专业办学顾问,建立了一支毕业于国内知名高校的硕士和本科学历的专业教师团队,并聘请了一批数量充足的总台优秀主持人和编导等担任兼职教师。 g7?5iL7=1Je2=9h

学校努力开拓与兄弟院校的对口交流工作并进行国际化合作,2016年开始与挪威奥莱森中学进行游学交流、2017年与英国安格利亚鲁斯金大学签订合作意向,为我校摄影、美术等专业学生提供了继续升学的海外留学渠道。 r8~3NE9~2SH67p

学校秉持“真、善、美”的办学宗旨和“信、达、雅”的育人目标,致力于打造求真务真、善德善学、尚美唯美的学校文化,培养做人诚实守信、做事通晓洞达、技能达标、素质高雅的中、高等技术技能型人才。立足于特色办学,学校三十余年来为全省广电系统和影视传媒企事业单位输送了一批批优秀毕业生,为繁荣江苏省广电传媒事业和文化产业做出了突出贡献。 f1.2rI,-,gT8+3C

Jiangsu Broadcast and Television College, which is sponsored byJiangsu Broadcast and Television Corporation , is a full-timepublic vocational school , specialized in training skilledpersonnel in radio and television production. As the branch-campusof Jiangsu joint institute of technology of profession, the collegeis a government funding institution. I,?4WF,~9jq5!1j

Located to the Yuhuatai scenic area in the cultural city of Nanjing, the college covers an area of 35,698 square meters, the existingtypes of full-time students reach nearly 2,000 people, includingfive-year vocational school, secondary school and adult collegestudents . The predecessor of Jiangsu Broadcast and TelevisionCollege was Jiangsu People's Radio Station Division staff trainingcenter , which was founded in 1955. In 1984, Jiangsu Broadcast andTelevision staff secondary school was established. In May, 1984 thebranch-campus of adult education of Communication University ofChina was set up. In 1989 the establishment of Jiangsu Radio andTelevision School was approved by Jiangsu Provincial People'sGovernment and the school began to enroll full-time secondaryschool students. In 1992, the school was officially changed itsname to Jiangsu Radio and Television School. In the year of 2001,the Remote Education Center of Communication University of Chinawas established. In the same year , the Remote Education Centerbegan to enroll network participants. In 2002, the school appliedfor the running of five-year Higher Vocational Education; In 2004 ,it became one of the first five-year Higher Vocational Educationschool points of Jiangsu Joint Vocational and Technical College. 07-2FS6~6Vm,:7w

The college provides the following majors for five-year vocationalprofessions: Host and Broadcasting, Television Program Production,Photography Technology, Film and Animation, and to enroll juniorhigh school graduates of Jiangsu province. m1?3XA2.6Fi1-7m

According to industry standards, we have built more than 20training rooms, such as the digital studio, the Premiere editingtraining room, Apple animation training room and Maya animationtraining room. There are more than 50 professional training roomsout of school,which have a close cooperation with our college.Jiangsu Broadcast and Television College has been sited aworkstation of National Vocational Skill Identification of JiangsuPhotography Industry. I2~5Ya37jq9.3U

Over the past 30 years, our graduates can be found in differentfields throughout Jiangsu province. With their excellect technicalexpertise , they become the backbone in the industry. They made agreat contribution to the Radio and Television Broadcastingdevelopment and prosperity. Our school is known as the the cradleof Radio and Television Broadcasting in Jiangsu province. h5.8ST3=3rp4~5c

As a characteristic school with a deep industry background,distinctive professional features, fruitful achievements, which ishighly recognized by the industry and society, We further clarifythe orientation and development strategy of school running in theprocess of planning a new round of adjustment and development ofquality. We will take the five-year vocational education as themain body. We will also take the adult undergraduate education inCommunication University of China, Radio and television industryand social training as the wings. School size is moderate based onmarket. Professional settings highlight features for the market.School quality service market and fight for the first. Adulteducation as well as social training service society will becomebigger and stronger. And We will try to build our school into theprovincial radio, film and television high-quality skilledpersonnel training base, the province's Radio and televisionindustry training and continuing education base, and into theimpactive film and television production unit. G8=1Xf7?9Gq2+4S

地址:江苏省南京市雨花台区养回红村156号 K68fp8?2UL1+,i



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