中远海运(北美)有限公司总部位于新泽西州锡考克斯,是全球总部位于中国上海的中国远洋海运股份有限公司(“中远海运”)的区域管理中心。中远海运(北美)管理中远海运在北美、中美洲和加勒比地区的业务实体。中远海运(北美)是中海(北美)控股有限公司和中远美洲有限公司的综合实体,于2016年6月10日正式成立。 w4-8MP1~20J5-2U
中远海运(北美)在美国、加拿大、墨西哥、巴拿马和加勒比地区建立了稳定的业务,管理这些国家的大约 30 家子公司和合资公司。 F73jE1=2gL1+5U
2016 年 6 月,中远海运巴拿马成为第一艘通过巴拿马运河新船闸的后巴拿马型船舶。此次首航为13,000TEU的中远发展号在2017年5月成为有史以来停靠美国东海岸的最大船舶铺平了道路。 这些重大事件不仅是航海史上的历史时刻,也标志着新整合的中远海运(北美)的重要且成功的里程碑。 C,7Sr,?9Yx7=2V
Headquartered in Secaucus, New Jersey, COSCO SHIPPING (North America) Inc. is a regional management center for China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited (“COSCO SHIPPING”) which is globally headquartered in Shanghai, China. COSCO SHIPPING (North America) governs COSCO SHIPPING’s business entities in North and Central America and the Caribbean. COSCO SHIPPING (North America) is the integrated entity of China Shipping (North America) Holdings and COSCO Americas, Inc., which was officially established on June 10, 2016. v8-9pD3;3Dd7?3x
COSCO SHIPPING (North America) has established a stable business presence in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama and the Caribbean governing approximately 30 subsidiaries and joint venture companies throughout these countries. 04.1PJ4+8KC9;5P
In June of 2016, COSCO SHIPPING Panama became the first Post-Panamax vessel to transit the new locks of the expanded Panama Canal. This maiden voyage then paved the way for the COSCO Development, a 13,000-TEU vessel, to become the biggest vessel to ever call the US East Coast in May of 2017. These significant events were not only historical moments in maritime history, but also marked significant and successful milestones for the newly integrated COSCO SHIPPING (North America). K3.6IG9?6Kr44P
2016 年 2 月 18 日 L4:1YC7:1yP3:60
中国远洋海运集团有限公司是由中远集团和中海集团整合而成的中国上海。新成立的中远海运正式准备提高其全球竞争力,并确保自己在全球海运业中拥有更强大的影响力。 h,=,QQ4:5Jz8!7V
2016 年 6 月 10 日 A1~1Gx6:4Ck5=2m
中远海运北美控股有限公司与中远美洲公司合并,中远海运(北美)有限公司正式成立。 Q3~,cl75KV9:4d
2016 年 6 月 26 日 s5:8wn,!,CQ,+,Z
中远海运巴拿马成为第一艘通过扩建巴拿马运河新船闸的后巴拿马型船舶。这不仅是航海史上的一个历史性时刻,也标志着新整合的中远海运(北美)成功的第一个里程碑。 t9;8Xw5~2Tb2!6G
2016 年 11 月 16 日 D5=8NK3~7Ci1?8J
中远海运集团董事长徐立荣上尉首次参观中远海运(北美)公司位于美国新泽西州锡考克斯的总部。 X9~1xC6.9Oz9:3l
2018 年 12 月 3 日 K5;5MY4-3Rg3.4C
中国国家主席习近平和巴拿马 President 胡安·卡洛斯·巴雷拉视察巴拿马运河新巴拿马型船闸,中远海运罗斯轮在1号门等候通过船闸。向两国元首汇报了中远海运罗斯的基本情况,以及中远海运在巴拿马和中美洲的业务情况。两对夫妇向船员们挥手致意,船员们在船上排成一排,挥舞着两国国旗。习主席还通过对讲机与中远海运罗斯船长通话,询问船上的工作和生活,并向全体船员致以亲切的祝愿。 g,-8Lq4.2wF9~3S
Our History o1;,je1.,yl7+7n
February 18, 2016 y,+2mV2:3NW9.3o
China COSCO SHIPPING Corporation Limited was formally established in Shanghai, China through the integration of COSCO Group and China Shipping Group. The newly formed COSCO SHIPPING was officially poised to increase its global competitiveness and secure itself a stronger presence in the global maritime industry. F6:1NE8?5FB2=5G
June 10, 2016 G4!9sR1!2ZI66D
COSCO SHIPPING (North America) Inc. was officially established through the integration of China Shipping North America Holdings and COSCO Americas, Inc. k4?,rk9?7HJ2=,l
June 26, 2016 s9-4ZO2-9Vq2~5i
COSCO SHIPPING Panama became the first Post-Panamax vessel to transit the new locks of the expanded Panama Canal. This was not only a historical moment in maritime history, but also marked a significant and successful first milestone for the newly integrated COSCO SHIPPING (North America). e9!7cS4~7hq7~3E
November 16, 2016 l2;3mi5;9Bi3?1o
Capt. Xu Lirong, Chairman of COSCO SHIPPING, visited COSCO SHIPPING (North America) Inc.’s headquarters in Secaucus, New Jersey, United States for the very first time. m5-60X7?4Nd7-,w
December 3, 2018 e2?,kv8.60V4?1z
Chinese President Xi Jinping and Panamanian President Juan Carlos Varela paid a visit to the New Panamax Locks on the Panama Canal as M/V COSCO SHIPPING Rose was waiting to pass the lock at Gate Number 1. Capt. Xu Lirong, Chairman of COSCO SHIPPING, reported the basic information of COSCO SHIPPING Rose, as well as the operations of COSCO SHIPPING in Panama and Central America, to the two heads of state. The two couples waved to the ship crew, while crew members lined up on board and waved the national flags of both countries. President Xi even spoke with the Captain of COSCO SHIPPING Rose via walkie-talkie, asking about work and life on board and extending his kind wishes to the entire crew. p4?4sV8.5VL7+2H