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外国语学院的前身是外语系,英语专业始建于1995年,随着学校办学规模的不断扩大,2000年成立了外国语学院。经过十几年的发展,外国语学院的办学已初具规模,以培养有扎实外语功底的,能适应新时代社会经济建设和文化交流需求的复合型、应用型人才为办学宗旨。 C7=9li8=6CI8+3f

学院下设教授委员会办公室、学科办公室、教学办公室、综合办公室、学团办公室、英语系、大学外语一部、大学外语二部、语言实验与自主学习中心等10个部门。 U3+5Ne5+7Je1.3y

外国语学院承担英语专业本科教学任务以及英语专业的第二外语课程;全校本科生、大专生和研究生等大学外语教学任务;为全校学生开设外语选修课程;另外,还为全校学生开设日语、德语、俄语等公共选修课程。 h3.,SS4~7DX,-9Q

经过多年的努力,外语学院为社会各界输送了大量外语人才。英语专业学制四年,每年招生规模稳定在三个班(90人),英语系共有英语语言文学、商务英语、英语+小语种三个教研团队。英语专业的教学质量已经在国内得到广泛认可,学生在全国性的英语演讲比赛之中屡有获奖,最好成绩为“外研社杯”全国大学生英语演讲大赛国家级一等奖。考生第一志愿录取率为100%,具有优良的生源条件。学院毕业生分布在全国各个教学、科研院所和政府机关、企事业单位,为国家及内蒙古的经济建设做出了重大贡献。现在正在努力申报英语语言文学硕士点。 G5=5sg6:60v3=6M

外国语学院现在拥有在编教职工人数97人,专任教师93人,其中教授7人,副教授34人,讲师41人,助教及其他15人。师资队伍中78%以上具有硕士学位,具有博士学位和在读博士共计5人,是一支学历和职称层次较高、年龄结构合理、具有创新精神和发展潜力的学术队伍。 i9:4Fx7;,aU8.2f

学院十分重视师资队伍培训与建设。近年来,先后有53人通过出国留学项目、暑期短训等项目成功到英、美、加拿大等国做访问学者和出国深造,具有出国背景的人数占到总人数的55%;师资队伍的学历层次得到了多元化的提升,为学院的长远发展奠定了良好的基础。 F7~7jE2.3FR6=1L

学校图书馆有外文阅览室一个,拥有各类外语图书资料6万册,学院拥有一个图书资料室,拥有各类外语图书资料1.6万册;学院现有语言实验室7个(280座)、数字化广播电台一座、大学生自主学习中心2个(320座)以及40座的同声传译实验室。 Z7?1Fy9;8ct36H

学院注重广大教师的教学研究水平的提升,近年来,我院教师在全国各类学术刊物发表文章716篇,著作73部;学院教师积极投身于校级、内蒙古自治区级以及国家级教研项目的申报,承担了各级纵向课题256项,横向课题24项。其中有2个教研立项获得自治区级优秀教学成果一等奖,为学院的深层次发展奠定良好的基础。 w9=8Wu8:7Vo2;4E

The history of theForeign Language School dates back to 1995 when it was known as the ForeignLanguage Department. In time, with the increasing expansion of IMUST, theForeign Language School was eventually established in 2000. After nearly twodecades of development, the school has now taken shape, aiming to cultivateinter-disciplinary and application-oriented talents with both foreign languageproficiency and practical skills which can accommodate the needs of both socialand economic development and of cultural exchanges. a3!9Yh8+1lB5:9I

Ourschool consists of 10 departments, namely, the Professors Committee, theDiscipline Construction Office, the Teaching Affairs Office, the GeneralOffice, the Students’ Affairs Office, the English Department, the First Officeof College English, the Second Office of College English, Language Labs,and the Language Test & Learning Center. E8;4Ii2.2fx3=2V

Weoffer an array of undergraduate courses, including second foreign languagecourses, for the English majors; for undergraduate and graduate students of theuniversity, we offer college foreign languages, elective foreign courses, andpublic elective courses of Japanese, German and Russian. s1=8kN1!2po2?10

EnglishMajor is a four-year system with a stable annual enrollment of three classes(some 90 students). The English Department has three teaching and researchteams, covering English Language & Literature, Business English, and MinorLanguages. The teaching quality of the English Department has been widelyacknowledged in China. For years, our students have won various awards andhonors in national and regional events, including the first prizes of NationalEnglish Speech Contests. We have excellent student sources and all our studentshave been accepted by their first choices in their entrance examinations. Sofar, we have nurtured more than a thousand of qualified talents in English whoare now working in various teaching and scientific research institutions,government bodies, enterprises and government-sponsored institutions. They havemade significant contributions to the economic development of Inner Mongolia aswell as the whole nation. We are now applying for an English MA Program. G3~8gk4:4ov1-,b

Currently,we are staffed with 93 full-time faculties of the 97 registered staff members,including 7 professors, 34 associate professors, 41 lecturers, 15 teachingassistants and others. Over 78% of our staff are master’s degree holders. Fiveof the faculty are PhDs or PhD candidates. We are a team with substantialacademic background, reasonable age composition, innovation capacity anddevelopment potentials. N5!1rq1~3Tr,;,z

Weattach great importance to faculty development. In recent years, throughvarious international cooperation programs, we have sent 53 of the facultymembers as visiting scholars to such countries as the UK, the US, and Canada.At present, 55% of our staff members have overseas educational background. Thediversified upgrading of the academic level of our faculty has laid a solidfoundation for the future development of our school. V9?20m9:3qV1~5J

Thereis one Foreign Language Reading Room in the University Library, housing over60,000 volumes of books in foreign languages. Besides, our school also has itsown library with 16,000 volumes of foreign language books. Currently, ourschool is equipped with 7 language labs (280 seats), a digital radio station,and 2 self-study centers (320 seats). K8.2Jh8+9Ty7:5o

Wealso lay great stress on the upgrading of the teaching and research capacitiesof our faculty. In recent years, our teachers have published more than 716articles in different academic journals and authored 73 books, and participated256 government-sponsored research programs and 24 crosswise ones. Two of theseprograms respectively won the first prizes for outstanding teaching achievementin Inner Mongolia. All these have laid a solid foundation for the furtherdevelopment of the Foreign Language School. X6-3Cy7?9QR,-,U




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