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Sinolingua Co., Ltd., a member of China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1986. It is the first publisher in China to specialise in Chinese language teaching and learning materials for foreigners, and remains a prestigious brand in thi



About Sinolingua S2=1sm1;8bF82q

Sinolingua Co., Ltd., a member of China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1986. It is the first publisher in China to specialise in Chinese language teaching and learning materials for foreigners, and remains a prestigious brand in this field. B8=6ol,~4ny6=3q

Sinolingua specialises in producing books, audio-video products and multimedia software for the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. Materials, produced in 43 languages, include textbooks and teaching supplements, HSK preparation books,reference books, and reading materials related to Chinese culture. i4:4OZ81nV5!8K

Over nearly three decades, Sinolingua has produced a wide range of influential publications on teaching Chinese as a foreign language. For example, the Interactive Chinese series, published in 11 languages, is the first of its kind in China and has sold over 60,000 sets. Contemporary Chinese for Beginners, published in 2011 in 43 languages, is one of the most authoritative and influential Chinese teaching materials for adult learners in the world. Official Examination Papers of HSK (Level 1– level 6),produced with the official approval of Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, is the first ever publication of previous authentic examination papers of the new HSK test. H37pO1.,Py8=2V

Currently, Sinolingua has more than 400 Chinese teaching-and-learning books and audio-video products on sale, and publishes over 200 new titles a year. I2~5wT1;8vl7:,C

Sinolingua has established extensive business relations with publishers and distributors worldwide. Sinolingua London, the first overseas subsidiary of Sinolingua Co., Ltd., was established on March 10, 2009. It publishes Chinese language textbooks and multimedia materials especially for the Chinese learning market in the UK and English-speaking countries. It has published a series of influential products, such as Chinese Express – Talk Chinese and Chinese GCSE. f,?5kI7=7Jd,:6x

Sinolingua is dedicated to satisfying the needs of Chinese language learners worldwide and all kinds of publishing cooperation are actively promoted. 09-5GQ4-3Qq7~4s



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  • 玉环新闻网(浙江在线)


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  • 中国国际工业博览会


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  • 重庆市两江新区人民法院(重庆自由贸易实验区人民法院)
