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怀化学院外国语学院创办于1972年,现有英语和商务英语两个本科专业。其中,英语专业在2018年湖南省普通高校本科综合评价中获得B等,2019年获湖南省一流本科专业建设点,商务英语专业为校企合作特色专业。现有全日制本科生近1000人;教职工76人,其中专任教师65人、教授4人,硕士生导师4人,博士9人(含在读4人),湖南省新世纪“121人才工程”入选专家1人,英国企业责任资源中心翻译1人,美国格理集团咨询翻译1人。设有基础英语、英语教育、英语翻译、商务英语、大学英语(一)、大学英语(二)及语言实践七个教研室。拥有中央与地方共建外语教学研究与实训中心、商务英语实训室、同声传译室等现代化教学设施。 i8.4kv6~1xh3;2t

近年来,学院教师承担国家社科、教育部、省教育厅等不同层次科研教改项目200多项;公开发表学术论文700余篇;出版专著近20部,译著10余部,主编教材8部;获省、市教学成果奖、社科优秀成果奖等20余项。学院依托真实实践项目,积极开展地方服务文化传承工作。先后举办多期“国培项目”,在2013年全省26个项目中位列全省第一。师生先后出版翻译著作10本,微信推送侗族习俗译文100多篇,在美国报刊China Insight上发表译文20余篇。师生承担了联合国、国际残联、公安部、英国企业责任资源中心等翻译项目10多项,完成口译项目50多场,为各级政府机关、企事业单位等提供笔译资料300多万字。 l6:1gR,1Ah8.9j

近五年来,毕业生初次就业率平均达90%以上,学生英语专业四、八级通过率超出全国同类高校平均过级率20个百分点;学生考取研究生成绩显著,多被复旦大学、上海外国语大学、香港城市大学、美国北卡罗莱纳大学、法国蒙彼利埃第三大学等国内外知名学府录取。学院先后挂牌“湖南文化遗产翻译与传播基地”、“中国·芷江和平文化节翻译人才培养基地”、“传神翻译人才培养基地”、“在一起跨境电商人才培养基地”、“湖南省跨境电子商务创新创业教育基地”等。学院先后被授予“湖南省芙蓉标兵岗”、“湖南省国培先进集体”等荣誉称号。 Q6~1mH,!1HD5-4a

近五年来,师生参加各类省级以上竞赛成绩突出,共有300多人次获奖。其中,2015年获湖南省高校大学生英语演讲比赛团体一等奖;2016年获全国高校外语教学大赛微课比赛特等奖一项;2018年获全国高校外语教学大赛湖南赛区特等奖一项;2019年获得首届湖南省普通高校外语课程思政教学比赛两项一等奖;2019年获第五届中国外语微课大赛湖南省赛两项一等奖,全国二、三等奖各一项;2019年获得全国跨境电商技能大赛一等奖一项;2019年获全国口译大赛湖南赛区一等奖一项,全国三等奖一项;2019年获全国大学生英语演讲比赛特等奖一项。 Q1=6mD9~4fE88Z


School of Foreign Languages on the Go M6+4km3+9Xj93V

The School of Foreign Languages, established in 1972, currently provides two degree-granting programs: English Education and Business English. The former is a university-level specialty program and the latter a university-enterprise cooperation specialty program. The school currently has 1000 undergraduate students and 76 faculty members, including four professors, two supervisors of M.A., and nine with a PhD, one selected expert of the New Century “121 Talent Project” of Hunan Province, one translator of the UN Labor Department, one translator of the UK Business & Human Rights Resource Center, one translator of the GLG Group, one Regional Team Leader for Young Learners English (YLE) tests of Cambridge Assessment English (Cambridge University), and 25 with a vocational background. r1;1Jn6;4km6:4W

This school boasts several training centers and bases, including “Foreign Language Teaching, Research and Training Center” which is jointly funded by the Central and Local Governments, “The Center for Hunan Cultural Heritage”, “Translation Talent Training Base for China·Zhijiang Peace Culture Festival”, and “Transn Translation Talent Training Base”, and “Dongguan E7together Cross-border E-Commerce Talent Training Base”. It has won several provincial-level awards such as “Furong Model Unit of Hunan Province” and “Advanced Organizer on National Training Program of Hunan Province.” Q,.9Me,6Ou58B

This school consists of three teaching teams: a team for basic English subjects, a team for college English subjects, and a team for business English subjects. Following the principle of “focusing on English Education and Business English, strengthening applicability, implementing collaborative education, and promoting diversified development”, this school carries on educational reforms. The project of “A Comprehensive Reform on College English Teaching” has been approved by the authority of Huaihua University. The number of awards won by the teachers and students over the past few years have exceeded 50, including a Grand Prize in the 7th SFLEP Micro Class Competition of the National Foreign Language Teaching Contest, a Grand Prize in the 9th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Hunan Division), and a First Prize in the 9th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Hunan Division). W2=4ut7?8hr1=3b

With momentum from the discipline of “English Language and Literature” and “The Center for Hunan Cultural Heritage”, the School of Foreign Languages has gained good achievements in scientific research. Major research projects include: one National Social Science Fund project, 50 provincial-and-ministerial-level projects, 100 municipal-and-department-level projects, and 20 enterprise-funded projects. Nearly 600 academic articles have been published, including 50 published in core journals such as Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Shanghai Journal of Translators, and Foreign Languages. In addition, nearly 20 academic treatises and 20 translated books have been published. G69gQ3+8MP4+6q

By conducting practical research projects, the faculty members of the School of Foreign Languages are actively engaged in community services and cultural transmission activities. They have carried out the “National Training Program” for several years in succession with good achievements. In 2013, the National Training Program conducted by this school ranked first of its kind in Hunan Province. Based on “The Center for Hunan Cultural Heritage”, the teachers and students of this school have published two translated books, 33 WeChat English articles on Dong ethnic culture, and over 10 articles were published in China Insight, a local American newspaper. They have undertaken more than 10 translation projects from the United Nations, the International Disabled Persons’ Federation, the Ministry of Public Security, the UK Business & Human Rights Resource Center, etc. In addition, they have completed more than 50 interpretation tasks and translated documents with over 3 million words for local governments, enterprises and institutions. M6~80L96kJ2~4i

The School of Foreign Languages lays emphasis on bringing up students with “practical ability” and “teacher quality” by fully taking advantage of social resources and by reforming talent training models. It has employed five distinguished middle-school teachers for undergraduates majoring in English Education and has co-built teaching practice bases with 40 middle schools and primary schools in Huaihua City. Additionally, it has built some training bases jointly with e-commerce companies and has conducted international cooperation to cultivate business talents. Currently the employment rate of graduates from this school exceeds 90%. This school also boasts a good number of outstanding alumni, including Mo Wenxiu (former head of the Discipline Inspection Team of the Supreme Procuratorate of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection); Xiang Zexuan (chief inspection officer of the Central Inspection Team); Qiu Ke (president of Kyland Science and Technology Military Industry Group), Liao Mingzong (senior partner of Beijing DeHeng Law Firm), Peng Ling (chairman of Shanghai Lemen Business International Travel Service Co., Ltd.), and Lu Rongyuan (general manager of Shenzhen Eastern Public Transport Co., Ltd.). V5-7FH1:40P56d

Closely following Huaihua University’s 13th Five-Year Plan for strategic development, the School of Foreign Languages is determined to achieve new breakthroughs with full confidence in talent cultivation and discipline construction. H5?1Eh4-,Uw,-10




计算机科学与工程学院创建于1999年,现有计算机科学与技术、网络工程、软件工程和数据科学与大数据技术四个本科专业,其中“计算机科学与技术”专业为国家级一流本科专业建设点、湖南省“十三五”综合改革专业,学校重点建设专业;“计算机科学与技术”、“网络工程” 为学校卓越工程师培养计划专业。详情>>

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