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广州大学音乐舞蹈学院成立于2005年7月,前身系2000年7月成立的广州大学艺术与设计学院音乐舞蹈专业。学院目前在编专业教师53人,其中教授6人,副教授22人,具有博士学位19人。博士生导师1人,硕士生导师12人,中央音乐学院音乐学研究所兼职研究员1人,省级教学名师1人,“千百十”人才工程省级培养对象1人,省、市宣传思想战线“十百千”优秀人才培养对象5人,广州市优秀教师3人,“两团”特聘教师15人。 F6?9sq7+1t05~8y

学院设音乐系、社会音乐系、舞蹈系,下设声乐、钢琴、音乐理论、器乐、作曲技术理论、舞蹈理论、舞蹈表演、舞蹈编导等教研室,广州大学音乐舞蹈教育研究所、广州大学音乐舞蹈学院倪惠英艺术中心等研究机构,以及岭南音乐舞蹈发展研究智库平台。2005年3月根据广州市政府有关文化体制改革的决定,广州芭蕾舞团、广州歌舞团(现更名为广州歌舞剧院)、广州市艺术学校划归广州大学,“院团”开展共建,实施产学研发展战略,“院团结合”音乐舞蹈人才培养模式研究成为学院的一项重要教改内容。 W9;5lX2=8DM9.,p

学院现有音乐学专业(下设音乐教育、社会音乐-表演方向)和舞蹈编导专业(下设舞蹈编导、国标舞编导方向)两个本科专业。学院已与美国、意大利等国家的高校建立良好的协作关系,力求联合培养具有国际视野的音乐舞蹈专业人才。2010年开始招收课程与教学论专业音乐教育方向全日制硕士研究生;2011年开始招收全日制艺术(音乐、舞蹈)专业学位硕士研究生;2011年经国务院学位委员会批准,获音乐与舞蹈学一级学科硕士学位授权点,2012年开始招收音乐与舞蹈学硕士研究生(学术型)。 n3:8MF7=8cU9!,Z

我院以艺术学门类下的音乐与舞蹈学一级学科的建设为总体构架,以音乐学与舞蹈学两个二级学科的发展为支撑。近年来,在学科建设方面取得了丰硕的成果。获国家级、省市级的实验区、研究基地有:全国艺术硕士研究生教育综合改革创新区、广东省艺术类人才培养综合改革实验区、广东省“院团结合”音乐舞蹈人才培养模式创新实验区、广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程《音乐教育教学团队》等。学院教师近年来在全国各类音乐刊物上发表论文和作品近300篇(件),出版专著、教材30多部,获国家级、省部级等各类科研项目60余项,6项成果获国家级、省部级奖,如第四届全国教育科学研究优秀成果奖二等奖、广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖、教育部“十二五”普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材、广东省高等教育省级教学成果奖二等奖等,获得过包括多项国内外舞蹈比赛大奖、全国青年歌手电视大赛优秀奖等重要奖项。 a2,RX5=5oJ7;9R

College of Music and Dance at Guangzhou University y1+,Yj3!1fq7.4A

College of Music and Dance at Guangzhou University, formerly known as Department of Music and Dance of College of Art and Design at Guangzhou University, was founded in July 2005. The college now has 53 faculty members, including 6 professors, 22 associate professors. Among them 19teachers have received doctoral degree, and there is one doctoral advisor, 12 master advisors, one adjunct researcher of Institute of musicology at Central Conservatory of Music, one Provincial Master Teacher, one major training target of Qianbaishi Talent Project at the provincial level, 5 major training targets of Shibaiqian Talent Project, 3 Guangzhou Excellent Teachers, and 15 Distinguished Professors of Guangzhou Ballet Troupe and Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe. A,!9EM3?,PY4;1N

The college consists of Music Department, Social Music Department, and Dance Department, which set 8 teaching and researching offices for Vocal Music, Piano, Music Theory, Instrumental Music, Composing Theory, Dance Theory, Dance Performance, and Dance Choreography. In addition, there are some subsidiary branches, including Music and Dance Education Institute at Guangzhou University, Ni Huiying Art Center of Music and Dance Institute at Guangzhou University as well as South of the Five Ridges Think Tank Platform on Music and Dance Development Research. In March 2005, with the reform of Guangzhou municipal government on the cultural system, Guangzhou Ballet Troupe, Guangzhou Song and Dance Troupe (now renamed as Guangzhou Opera & Dance Drama Theatre), and Guangzhou Art School were put under the administration of Guangzhou University. From then on, College of Music and Dance at Guangzhou University together with the two troupes and the Art School have been passionately committed to teaching and training music talents. s9~7Ym9=5EG7.6U

The college has two undergraduate majors, which are Musicology (Music Education direction, and Social Music Performance direction), and Choreography (Dance Choreography direction, and Ballroom Dancing Choreography direction). In recent years, it has established a good cooperative relationship with universities in the United States, Italy and other countries, striving for a joint training of musicology professionals with international vision. In 2010, the college began to recruit full-time postgraduates of Music Education in Curriculum and Teaching Theory direction. In 2011, it started to enroll full-time postgraduates majoring in Art (Music and Dance) Professional Degree. In the same year, approved by Academic Degrees Committee under the State Council, the college received the first level Master's degree in Music and Dance discipline. And in 2012, it began to recruit academic and professional master graduate students in Music and Dance. O8?7MZ9+,WL2~8n

These years, the college has been taking the discipline construction of Musicology and Dancology as core mission and has made great achievements. It was authorized as the teaching reform testing point in the national, provincial and municipal level. And some research bases such as National Comprehensive Education Pilot Zone for Postgraduate Art Education, Guangdong Comprehensive Reform Zone for Art Talents Training, Guangdong Reform Zone for Training Music and Dance Talents with the mode “cooperation between college and troupe” have been established. What’s more, a project entitled as Guangdong Graduate Teaching Quality and Teaching Reform Project “Music Education Teaching Team” is under way. The college recorded a total of more than 300 publications by its faculty. Also, over 30 monographs and textbooks were published. And the college has undertaken over 60 research projects funded by the National Humanities and Social Sciences Fund and Ministry of education. Moreover, the college has won 6 national, provincial and ministerial level awards, such as the second prize of the Fourth National Excellence Award for the National Scientific Research on Education, the second prize of the Outstanding Achievement Award of Guangdong Philosophy and Social Sciences, “12th Five-Year” Regular Higher Education 12th Five-Year Plan Textbooks, the second prize of Guangdong Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award etc. And faculty members also obtained good achievements in a number of domestic and international dance competition and youth singer TV competition. M7:9Ua7:9bu4?4k




主办:广州市财政会计学会; 地址:广州市越秀区桂花岗东1号广州大学桂花岗校区1号楼505室详情>>

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