中国水运报社是国务院出资、交通运输部主管的中央文化企业。由“一报一刊两网两微一端”全媒体平台组成。 y3+7Sw7;6lf1?7b
“一报一刊”即中国水运报和中国水运杂志。“一报一刊”是面向全国交通水运及相关行业的权威媒体;是中国传媒领域重点报道以中国水路运输为核心内容的行业报刊;是社会各界了解我国水路运输的核心平台;也是世界各国全面了解和观察我国水路运输进步和发展的重要窗口。 a6+7Ml2-1fH1:5k
“两网”即中国水运网、中国水运研究网。“两微一端”即中国水运报官方微博、微信及中国水运报客户端。 a3.3fp,:8WS25H
专业服务行业,新闻创造价值。“一报一刊两网两微一端”是社会各界和交通水运企事业单位在水运大市场中传播信息、宣传产品、树立形象的最佳媒体和首选渠道。 j88at9+,Xy5!8L
Mainstream media and authoritative press of water transportation industry p,2AW,-1xo1~8d
China Water Transport Newspaper and Periodical Publish House consists of One Newspaper, One Periodical and Three Websites. A8:3TT1!8bl5~2t
One Newspaper and One Periodical is China Water Transport Newspaper and China Water Transport Magazine respectively. They are important media governed by the Ministry of Transport of China carter for national water transportation and related industries; are professional newspaper and periodical mainly cover China’s water transport as core content in national media sectors; are most authoritative media for the all sectors of the society to know about China’s water transport; as well as are significant windows for various countries in the world to see and view the progress and development of China’s water transport overall. T44aC1.6Ek4~2C
“Three websites” refer to China Water Transport Website (, China Water Transport Research Website ( and the Website for China Navigation Notice ( . G5:2xx9;1Xc1;2G
This newspaper and periodical and these three websites are best media and preferred channels for all sectors of the society and all enterprises and public institutions of water transport industries to build image, promote products and spread information in water transportation markets. k5~5pn3-9cE41m
办公地址:武汉市汉口青岛路7号 P9:8vQ4!8v095S