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商学院设有工商管理系、金融与国际贸易学系、会计学系、旅游与酒店管理系、物流与信息管理系等5系,2个湖北省级实验教学示范中心,即“江汉大学经济与管理实验教学中心”和“江汉大学企业运营虚拟仿真实验教学中心”,8个研究所(中心),其中“武汉城市圈制造业发展研究中心”为湖北省人文社科研究基地。 s4-9ky4=2Lg9+9m

The School of Business including five departments: Business Administration, Finance and International Trade, Accounting department, Tourism and Hotel Management, and Logistics and Information management. It also contains two Hubei provincial experimental teaching demonstration centers: Economic and ManagementExperimentTeachingCenter and Virtual Simulation experiment TeachingCenter. In additional, it also has eight institutes including the research institution of Wuhan Urban Cluster Manufacturing Development, which is the research base for humanities and social sciences in HubeiProvince. E2+3pf6.,Ga41V

商学院拥有管理科学与工程一级学科硕士点,管理科学与工程为湖北省重点学科,工商管理为武汉市重点学科,开设有金融学、国际经济与贸易、工商管理、市场营销、会计学、财务管理、旅游管理、物流管理、信息管理与信息系统、酒店管理等10个本科专业。 v7=4th6=,wW1!6i

The School of Business has a first class master’s degree of Management Science and Engineering which is the key industry of Hubei province. The Business Administration is also the key discipline in Wuhan educational sector. The School of Business also offers 10 undergraduate majors: Finance, International Economics and Trade, Business Administration, Marketing, Accounting, Financial Management, Tourism Management, Logistics Management, Information Systems and Management, and Hotel Management. E8?1oU6-1kS,-4r

学院现有专任教师106人,其中教授10人,副教授46人,具有博士学位35人。学院50%的教师具有国外访问和学习的经历,教师中享受湖北省政府津贴专家1人,享受武汉市政府津贴专家3人,武汉市劳动模范1人,武汉市五一劳动奖章获得者2人,市级学科带头人7人,武汉市优秀青年教师3人,入选武汉市黄鹤英才(专项)计划2人,楚天学者特聘教授2人,楚天学子2人。 s6:8vz9-7td3:5W

The college has 106 faculties, in which there are 10 professors and 46 associate professors. 35 of them are already have obtained doctoral degrees. Half of the faculties have studying and researching overseas experiences and one of them has been obtained a teaching award from the Hubei Provincial government. Three faculty members obtained special allowance from the city government. One is the model worker of Wuhan City and the other two gained Wuhan City Labor Medal; seven faculty members are research leaders in Wuhan city; three faculty members are entitled excellent young teachers in Wuhan city; two faculties were selected to join in Wuhan Huang he Excellence (special) program; two faculties are employed as Chutian Distinguished Professor, and two faculties are employed as Chutian scholar . e6?,zx6=2PL5!7G

学院坚持以学科建设为龙头,狠抓本科教学和科学研究,以培养应用性、创新性、国际性人才为目的,不断探索一条“教学立院、科研强院、服务兴院”的发展道路。学院与美国加州大学河滨分校(UCR)、拉文大学(ULV) 合作分别举办了金融学与会计学两个专业“3+1+1”校际交流项目;与武钢集团、汉口银行、深圳盐田港物流有限公司、豪生酒店集团、联邦快递等知名企业建立“3+1”、“订单式”等校企合作培养模式, r8+8yM4=9QM3.3W

The School of Business focuses on discipline construction and pays close attention to undergraduate teaching and scientific research about cultivate applicable, innovative, and international person. It continues to explore a characteristic path by emphasizing teaching, researching and public services as foundation. The School of Business cooperates with the University of California -Riverside (UCR) and University of La Verne (ULV) established the "3 + 1 + 1" Intercollegiate Exchange projects of two majors, Finance and Accounting; the School of Business established "3 + 1" or "Order Type" co-op training model with Wuhan Iron and Steel Group, Hankou bank, Shenzhen Yantian Port Logistics Co., Ltd., Howard Johnson hotels, Federal Express, and some other well-known enterprises. v,-4ju2!1Ra6:9P

商学院学生在2012年第八届“挑战杯”中国大学生创业计划竞赛决赛“网络虚拟运营”专项竞赛中获两个一等奖;在2010年“用友杯”企业模拟经营大赛中获全国总冠军,并多次获该项目竞赛全国一等奖和湖北省冠军;在2014年湖北省大学生创业专项赛中荣获金奖;2014-2015年第四届POCIB全国大学生外贸从业能力大赛获团体特等奖和4个一等奖。 e9;9Lo4+2bf7;1E

In 2012, students of Business School won two first prizes in the final competition of the Eighth "Challenge Cup": a special competition of "Virtual Network Operators"; in 2010, the students won a national championship in "UF Cup" Enterprise Simulation Management Contest and our students won the first prize over the national and Hubei province many times; in 2014, students won the golden medal in the specialize business competition of Hubei Province; in the Fourth (2014-2015) Practice for Operational Competence in International Business(POCIB), our students won the group grand prize and also four first prizes. D8!1Zn1-2DR1?5y




江汉大学科学研究处(学术委员会秘书处) 地址:湖北省武汉市经济技术开发区三角湖路8号详情>>

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