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江西师范大学外国语学院前身系国立中正大学外语系,创办于1946年。解放后, 先后更名为南昌大学外语系(1949—1953年)、江西师范学院外语系(1953—1983年)和江西师范大学外语系(1985—1993年),1994年更名为江西师范大学外国语学院。



江西师范大学外国语学院前身系国立中正大学外语系,创办于1946年。解放后, 先后更名为南昌大学外语系(1949—1953年)、江西师范学院外语系(1953—1983年)和江西师范大学外语系(1985—1993年),1994年更名为江西师范大学外国语学院。学院下设英语系、日语系、法语系、翻译系、大学外语教研部、现代语言学研究中心、外国文学研究中心、心理语言学研究中心、翻译与跨文化研究中心、外语教育研究中心、爱尔兰研究中心、马达加斯加研究中心(教育部国别研究中心)、日本学研究中心等教学和科研机构。 T4.5M079yS3+5S

外国语学院师资力量雄厚,现有职工147人,专任教师132人,其中教授11人,副教授43人,具有博士学位人数50人(含在读),有省“双千计划”人选1人,省“青年井冈学者奖励计划”1人,“新世纪百千万人才工程”省级人选1人,省金牌教授1人,江西省高校中青年学科带头人1人,江西省高校中青年骨干教师3人,博士生导师6人,硕士生导师33人。 p2.,Fh5=2Ij3+1K

外国语学院是江西省最早拥有硕士学位授予权的单位,迄今已有英语语言文学、外国语言学与应用语言学、跨文化研究和学科教学论(英语教学论方向)四个学位点,以及“现代语言理论与语言应用”二级博士点,2013年开始招收博士研究生。此外,经教育部批准,我院具有教育硕士(英语教育学)和翻译硕士两个专业硕士学位的授予权,并接受同等学力者申请硕士学位。2004年英语语言文学学科被定为“江西省重点建设学科”;2005年英语专业学位点在硕士学位评估中评为优秀。学院英语专业在2007年国家教育部英语专业评估中获得优秀,2008年被批准为国家第一类特色专业建设点,2019年获批国家一流本科专业建设点。 W3~8YV7:9Aq3.4c

根据中国大学及学科专业评价报告(2010-2011),学院英语专业连续两年评定为五星专业(重点优势专业),排名居于全国大学专业的前5%。在中国科教评价研究院编著的《中国研究生教育及学科专业评价报告》中,学院2020年的学科排名为46/226,百分位为20.35%,等级为4星级,在全国师范院校排名7/34,省内第一。在2017年公布的全国第四轮学科评估中,我院外国语言文学专业被评为C+(即位次为前40%-50%专业)。 S9=8rK,:8BE,+1a

外国语学院的科研成果和教学业绩硕果累累。近五年来(2016-2020)获批国家社会科学基金课题10项,教育部人文社科课题3项,省级科研课题40余项,获江西省社会科学优秀成果二等奖2项、三等奖3项,江西省教学成果二等奖2项,在国内外核心期刊上发表论文170余篇、省级学术刊物上发表论文310余篇,出版学术专著近20部、译著25余部、教材近10套。近几年在“江西省高等学校‘外教社杯’英语教学大赛”中,学院有6位教师获特等奖,5位教师获一等奖;在“全国高校外语教学大赛”上,学院有一位教师获全国冠军,两位教师获二等奖,充分展示了学院雄厚的科研和教学实力。 Z2?2FT9~9cY9-1k

外国语学院是江西省外语人才的重要培养基地。截止到2021年5月,外国语学院共有在校本科生1994人,全日制硕士研究生324人。学院十分重视教学,大胆进行各项教学改革和教学实验。学院英语专业2013年被批准为江西省普通本科高等学校专业综合改革试点项目。本科课程《英语国家概况》2019年获批江西省高校课程育人共享计划,2020年获批江西省精品在线开放课程,研究生课程《跨文化交际》2019年获批省级优质课程。近年来,我校的大学英语四、六级考试成绩在省内一直名列前茅,英语专业四级和日语专业四级的通过率一直稳定在90%以上,英语专业八级的通过率也稳定在70%以上。学院十分重视复合人才的培养,注重锻炼学生的实践能力。历届学生在各类社会实践中表现优秀,在全省举办的各种口语、演讲、辩论和翻译大赛中均名列前茅。尤其是2002年学院00级学生李佳玉同学获得全国“CCTV杯”英语演讲大赛第二名;2004年02级学生艾黎莎获“CCTV杯”英语演讲大赛第一名,并获 “最受观众欢迎选手奖”。由于历届毕业生专业水平高、教学实践能力强,因而他们得到用人单位的普遍认可,学生的就业率稳定在90%左右。我院学子在社会上享有良好的声誉,得到用人单位的广泛好评。 R9!6Wn1~3Ft8~,p

外国语学院办公大楼坐落在江西师范大学瑶湖校区名达楼一区,总共面积近6,000平方米。学院为教授人均配备独立办公室和科研设施。学院拥有外语自主学习实验中心、同声传译室、录音棚、多媒体教室、学术报告厅、“咖啡屋”英语活动室等优质教学设施。为适应大学本科教学改革的需要,学院实施了教学资源信息化工程,于2004年10月正式创建独立教学与科研网站(http://flc.jxnu.edu.cn/),成为外国语学院对外宣传的窗口和教学科研工作交流的平台。学院资料室藏有专业学术书籍40,000余册,中外文期刊近百种以及近5,000盘教学录音、录像资料。 S9+5mj4:7ao4-3z

外国语学院十分重视师资队伍建设,根据学科建设及教学工作的需要,分期分批将学院从事教学科研的骨干教师派往国内外重点大学访学或攻读博士学位。学院与国内外高校及学者一直保持着广泛的学术交流,形成了“走出去”和“请进来”的良好学术氛围。一方面学院鼓励教师积极参加各种学术交流活动,另一方面,每年邀请十多位国内外知名教授来学院讲学。 L6-,Rt4-9YG9;6r

外国语学院在省内高校中享有较高的知名度,教学质量与科研能力在全省外语学科中处于领先地位,在国内同类专业中也具有一定的影响。江西师范大学外国语学院将抓住机遇,以崭新的姿态迎接新的挑战。外国语学院热忱欢迎海内外有志于从事外语教学和研究的高层次人才加盟,热烈欢迎广大优秀学子报考。 F3~8Eb,;8Dl7.9r

(2021年5月) S4+2LI2+1Ea9:6s

1. History F,?6oV,!7bj,;9Y

The history of the College of Foreign Languages at Jiangxi Normal University (JXNU) can be traced back to the Department of Foreign Languages that was founded at National Chung Cheng University in 1946. It was renamed the Department of Foreign Languages during the following periods: from 1949-1953 at Nanchang University, at Jiangxi Teachers College from 1953-1983, and at Jiangxi Normal University from 1985-1993, successively. The name “Foreign Languages College” has been formally acknowledged at JXNU since 1994. x4=8YF8-1ZC4?5H

2. Departments and Research Centers M1:,RT1?8dJ8.,S

The College is composed of five departments: the Department of English, the Department of Japanese, the Department of French, the Department of Translation and Interpreting and the Department of College English. l5:9Jv5=1To3.7V

There are eight academic research centers: the Modern Linguistic Research Center, the Foreign Literature Research Center, Psycholinguistics Research Center, the Translation and Cross-cultural Studies Center, the Foreign Language Education Research Center, the Irish Studies Center, Madagascar Studies Center (a National Studies Center co-operated with the Ministry of Education) and the Japanese Studies Center. I1:,BG5=5EK2=3H

3. Teaching Staff m34nK3.7VQ4~9C

The College enjoys tremendous faculty strength with a 150-member full-time faculty, including 134 teachers, among which are 11 professors, 51 associate professors and 72 lecturers. Amongst these, 46 have doctorate degrees (including PhD candidates) with one listed in the “Ganpo Talents, the 555 Project”, one candidate for the “Baiqianwan Talent Project in the New Century” on the provincial level, one “Renowned Teacher of Jiangxi Province”, three “Young and Middle-aged Academic Leaders among University Teachers in Jiangxi”, and another three “Young and Middle-aged Key Teachers of Jiangxi”. Within this faculty are three PhD supervisors and 27 MA supervisors. F7!5kv,3aO,+3E

4. Academic Programs U4+4Uq4.5QP3+5N

As the first authorized institution to confer master’s degrees in Jiangxi Province, the College now has six postgraduate programs. They are: R1?2XU8!40o7+3M

·English Language and Literature, P8:6nD3~5Ru8.1b

·Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, y,=8Wl1=7dV4~7i

·Cross-cultural Studies, T5-4SX4-,ty1=6Q

·English Language Teaching Methodology W2~9bK1;6rz8+,E

·Master of Education in English X,7Ks9,IG34S

·Master of Translation and Interpreting A7!4eC4,TT7-5v

In addition to these, a doctoral program in Modern Language Theory and Application was granted in 2013. j4=5Ba33el1-9x

English Language and Literature has been ranked as a provincial key discipline in Jiangxi Province since 2004. The program was ranked excellent in the National Master Degree Assessment and Evaluation in 2005, and in the English Education Evaluation and Assessment enacted by The Ministry of Education in 2007 and was recognized at the national level as a specialized major in 2008. o,9Wp9:7uj1~,i

According to the Chinese University and Disciplines Evaluation Report (2010-2011), the program was listed as one of the “five-star” majors for two consecutive years, ranking in the top 5% among all universities providing an English Language and Literature major in China. Besides, according to the Chinese Postgraduates Education and Disciplines Evaluation Report (2018-2019) from Research Center of Chinese Science Evaluation of Wuhan University, the program ranks top one in Jiangxi Province and top nine of all the normal universities in China. Among the 233 universities that provides English Language and Literature discipline, the program is the top 45, with a percentile ranking of 20.36%. What’s more, the program was granted C plus, namely the top 40%-50%, in the fourth China Discipline Ranking in 2017. j8=6tz1:4BV1?2j

5. Teaching and Academic Research Q1:6JK7=4sn8;6O

The College has fruitful success in both academic research and teaching. From 2013 to 2018, nine projects have been supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China, six by the Humanities and Social Science Project held by the Ministry of Education, and more than 60 others by different provincial funds. Three of the research results were reviewed and won Second Prize, the Jiangxi Social Sciences Award, and five won the Third Prize. One textbook edited by teachers of the School was awarded the First Prize of Excellent Textbooks Edited by General Institutes of Higher Education of Jiangxi. More than 100 academic papers have been published by top journals at home and abroad, and more than 150 have been accepted by other journals. Ten academic monographs, ten translated books and another ten textbooks were published at the same time. In the past five years, six teachers won special awards for their outstanding performance in the SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest (Jiangxi Division), with three winning the First Prize. One of the teachers won the Champion in the National Foreign Language Teaching Contest, and two won the Second Prize. X45gj7;1lj7?8d

6. Talents Training S8=6gd7+4UI3+4c

The College of Foreign languages serves as a vital training base for language talents in Jiangxi province. At the end of March in 2019, there are about 2026 undergraduates, 330 full-time graduates and more than 100 part-time EMA students in our college. We have given constant prominence to undergraduate education and have taken bold actions in its reforms. The course “Intensive Reading” was acclaimed as a Jiangxi Provincial-level top quality course in 2009. Our English major was included as one of the pilot Projects of Jiangxi Higher Education Institution Reforms in 2013. In recent years, our students’ scores on the CET4 and CET6 tests have achieved top-ranking in Jiangxi. In addition to this, every year, on average 90% of English majors and Japanese majors pass the TEM 4 tests and over 70% of our English majors pass the TEM 8 by the time they graduate. Our college also puts emphasis on developing well-rounded students through social practice work. From our Alumni Li Jiayu, who won Second Place in 2002 in the CCTV Cup English Speaking Contest, to Ai Lisha, who won First Place in 2004, our students have been demonstrating their excellence over the years in various contests ranging from public speaking, to FTLRP debate, to TAC translating and interpreting. The employment rate of our graduates stands at around 95%, which has been secured with the help of our alumni whose outstanding language proficiency and teaching skills have been widely recognized among employers. Q8;5BF7;8vK6!9j

7. Facilities and Resources B5;4ap2-7BM1=8L

The College is located in the Area One in Mingda Building with an area of approximately 6,000㎡. The College provides each professor with an office and facilities for scientific research and teaching, among which are an experimental center for foreign language self-learning, simultaneous interpretation rooms, studios, multi-media classrooms and academic hall and a café for English activities. In accordance with the Undergraduate Teaching Reform, the College has launched a digitalized project of teaching resources by establishing a website(http://flc.jxnu.edu.cn/), a platform for promotion, teaching and scientific research exchange. In addition, the Resource Center houses more than 40,000 professional books, hundreds of journals at home and abroad and about 5,000 tapes and videos for teaching. X6~5OT2.70i2;3u

8. Teachers’ Academic Development B,!6vp8!7Dv3?5G

Great importance has been attached to the academic development of all teachers within the School. In line with discipline construction, the College supports the leading teachers to visit and/or to pursue doctor’s degree in universities at home and abroad. With close academic exchange bonds established, a quality academic atmosphere is well developed. Not only does the College encourage the teachers to “go global” and to participate in various academic exchange activities but also it invites dozens of notable professors at home and abroad to give lectures every year. m8?4Gx6:5kL8.3c

The College has won a name for excellence in both teaching and academic research in Jiangxi Province and has influence in the area of foreign language related education nationwide.The College of Foreign Language at Jiangxi Normal University will seize opportunity and rise to new challenges. With great passion, the College welcomes high-level talents dedicated to foreign language teaching to join us and also embraces students who come here for further study. E8.,eK,~5Vs2?6w




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