江苏建筑职业技术学院 简介
江苏建筑职业技术学院是江苏省属公办全日制高校、国家示范性高职学院、江苏省卓越高职院校培育建设单位、江苏省高水平高职院校建设单位。学校坐落于江苏省三大都市圈之一、淮海经济区中心城市——徐州。学校前身是1979年经国务院、中央军委批准创建的基建工程兵第三技术学校。1983年7月学校划归原煤炭工业部管理,更名为徐州煤炭建筑工程学校。1998年学校划归江苏省人民政府管理,1999年7月经教育部批准升格为徐州建筑职业技术学院。2011年1月学校更名为江苏建筑职业技术学院。 G7=1bl,?9Mx9-5M
学校地处徐州市泉山风景区,占地1200亩,建筑面积40万平方米,教学科研仪器设备总值2.1亿元。学校设有建筑建造学院、建筑装饰学院、建筑智能学院、建筑管理学院、交通工程学院、智能制造学院、信电工程学院、艺术设计学院、经济管理学院、马克思主义学院、公共基础学院、国际交流学院、继续教育学院、创新创业学院等14个二级学院,现有普通全日制在校学生13000余人,成人教育在籍学生9800余人。学校校园环境优美,教学生活设施齐全,文化活动丰富多彩,是“江苏省文明单位”“全国职业院校魅力校园”“江苏省和谐校园”“江苏省平安校园”“江苏省花园式学校”“徐州市首批绿色大学”“江苏省思想政治教育先进单位”。学校构建形成以军校文化、煤炭文化、建筑文化为内核,以企业文化和校友文化为补充的特色鲜明的校园育人文化体系。高度重视以文化人育人环境建设,“以‘三化行动’为抓手培育时代新人”的特色做法在教育部高校思想政治工作简报上作典型经验介绍。 O9!,KM6=,op64T
学校积极实施人才强校战略,师资队伍建设成效显著。现有教职工795人,其中具有正高职称教师71人、副高职称教师277人,具有博士学位教师70人,硕士以上学位教师567人;现有国家级优秀教学团队1个、省级优秀教学团队5个、国家级和省级教学名师6人、江苏省有突出贡献的中青年专家3人。现有4个省“青蓝工程”科技创新团队、9个省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才培养学术团队。学校连续4次获得“江苏省师资队伍建设工作先进高校”荣誉称号,是国家高职高专院校师资培训基地。 r6!2RH5.30C8.1A
学校坚持以立德树人为根本,深入推进教育教学改革,聚力专业课程内涵建设。协调推进国际知名专业、品牌专业和地方特需专业建设,突出建筑类专业特色,做大非建筑类专业。构建了3个建筑类专业集群、16个专业群,现有国家级中国特色高水平专业群1个,4个国家示范建设专业、2个中央财政支持建设专业、4个教育部现代学徒制试点专业、2个江苏高校品牌建设工程一期立项专业、7个省高水平骨干专业、1个徐州市特需领办专业。与江苏师范大学、南京工业大学在电气自动化技术、酒店管理和建筑工程技术3个专业,联合开展“3+2”高职-本科分段培养试点;与徐州8所中职学校在建筑钢结构工程技术、建筑智能化工程技术、机电一体化、工程造价、计算机网络技术5个专业,联合开展“3+3”中高职专业衔接试点。新增国家级专业教学资源库2个。学校先后获得18项国家级、省级教学成果奖。现有35门国家级、省级精品课程,编写出版20部职业教育国家规划教材、32部省级以上建设重点教材和精品教材。学校是“全国职业教育先进单位”“江苏省教学工作先进高校”。 i9-7NS2:2Tj34l
学校重视“产学研训创”一体化实践教学条件建设,打造高水平教学保障条件。建成建筑施工、机械电子、信息传媒、经济管理、环境工程、矿山机电等6大类校内实验实训基地,现有109个校内实验实训室,面积100984㎡,仪器设备15737台套。现有建筑工程技术和煤矿安全技术2个国家级实训基地,建筑工业化建造技术和交通工程智慧建造技术2个省级高职教育产教融合实训平台,江苏省建筑工程区域开放共享型实训基地、装配式混凝土结构建造技术市级高职教育产教融合实训平台、国家职业技能鉴定所,建成淮海经济区BIM中心和BIM大数据创新基地,新建中国住建协会BIM培训中心,新增教育部建筑信息模型(BIM)等8个“1+X”专业证书制度试点。学校牵头成立江苏建筑职教集团和淮海服务外包职教集团,是“淮海经济区高职院校协作会秘书长单位”“全国高职高专学报研究会理事长单位”“国家建设行业技能型紧缺人才培训基地”“江苏省建筑产业化实训人才培训基地”。学校是“中国建筑学会科普教育基地”“江苏省科普教育基地”和“徐州市科普教育基地”。 h3?4wW3.3RI4!4F
学校大力推进科技创新发展,科技服务能力不断彰显。近五年来,获批市厅级及以上科研项目586项,实现国家自然科学基金项目零的突破,其中横向科研课题233项,到账2300余万元,技术服务到账5600万元。拥有PCT(国际发明)4件,发明204件,实用新型1974件,软件著作权564件、工法22项。依托国家高职院校师资培训基地、国家职业技能鉴定所和江苏省建筑产业化人才培训基地等平台,近三年培训37000余人次。现有1个江苏省协同创新中心、省市级科研平台52个。近年来获得省市级科技进步奖、科学技术奖69项,专利授权总量居全省高职院校第1位,全国高职院校第2位,学校连续8年获得“江苏省科技工作先进高校”荣誉称号。 f4+9hd82LG5?,T
学校加快办学国际化进程,积极拓宽国际合作交流渠道,与英国南兰克郡学院、爱尔兰卡洛理工学院、澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学、柬埔寨管理经济大学、老挝万象省技术学院等40多所国(境)外高校建立友好合作关系,是10余家国际合作与交流平台的理事单位。学校现有4个中外合作办学项目,与国外多所学院联合开展“3+0”“2+1”项目。学校是江苏省“优才计划”项目学校、全国首批“中国东盟职业院校双百旗舰计划”项目学校、江苏省政府奖学金学校,留学生培养规模持续扩大,累计招收19个国家700余名留学生。学校鼓励学生出国(境)留学、游学,现有赴国(境)外留学或交换交流经历的学生达218人。鼓励教师出国(境)研修、讲学和合作研究,已选派530人次骨干教师赴海外20多个国家和地区高校访学研修培训。学校在老挝和柬埔寨等建立5个境外分校,建立了中国-老挝职教协作秘书处,成立了“中柬文化与语言研究中心”,开办技能与语言培训中心2个,外派教师长期驻地为外方师生开展语言与技能培训服务。 J9?,oX3+3cm1.3X
学校秉承“厚生尚能”校训,弘扬“求实创新”校风,着力培养基础厚、技能强、后劲足、能吃苦的复合型高素质技术技能人才。坚持以“为每一位学生提供最适合的教育,让每一位学生得到最充分的发展”为宗旨,人才培养质量不断提升,学生发展潜力大。近年来,学生在各类技能大赛中获得国家级一等奖12项、省级一等奖13项、全国行业大赛一等奖17项,在各类文体竞赛中获得省级及以上一等奖46项,获“挑战杯”、全国“互联网+”“创青春”等创新创业大赛国家级、省级一等奖10余项。学校始终坚持以就业为导向,在省内外建有近600家稳定的就业实习基地。先后与国内29家知名大型企业合作共建企业学院、企业订单班50个,联合培养企业急需的人才。学校建立了36个国内校友分会和1个海外校友会,积极为毕业生持续发展搭建平台。学校毕业生主要面向江苏省和华东地区就业,深受用人单位青睐,很多毕业生已在徐工集团、万科集团、中建三局、中建八局、中铁十局、中煤建设集团、江苏扬建集团、南通三建、中南集团、龙信集团、中衡设计集团、苏州金螳螂等知名企业建功立业。据权威机构调查显示,我校毕业生的专业对口率、薪酬、就业竞争力指数,以及对母校满意度和推荐度等各项数据均位居省内同类院校前列,学校连续8年被表彰为“江苏省大学生就业工作先进集体”。学校是教育部评定的全国毕业生就业典型经验高校。 r4-2RO9.,va6?6e
学校坚持走内涵式发展道路,办学实力持续增强,社会美誉度不断提升,近年来先后被评为全国高等职业院校就业50强、教学资源50强、服务贡献50强、国际影响力50强、亚太职业院校影响力50强等。2017年9月,学校党代会提出“建设全国一流高职名校”的奋斗目标,谋划实施“人才强校、创新提升、服务地方、信息化、国际化、幸福共享”六大战略加快推进学校发展。学校践行“厚生尚能”校训,全面落实立德树人根本任务,产教融合、校企合作,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和可靠接班人。承袭建筑类院校办学优势传统,伴随并逐渐有能力引领建筑产业升级和技术改造,拓展学生职业发展空间。集聚校内资源要素,提供复合型人才培养的支撑条件。融合协同各方力量,提高服务产业发展能力,输出办学标准和培养样式。2023年,学校综合办学实力稳居国内3%,到2035年,学校综合办学实力位居国内1%,为学生提供高质量就业服务,为社会提供高品质服务。 x18js,?8eb32L
(2020年5月) Y4:4om4~7mv9=3I
Brief Introduction V6;5pH8.7CC52O
To d1-7nf7-5OZ,5F
Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology C,:,Ma,4aU5!4J
Jiangsu Vocational Institute of Architectural Technology (JSVIAT),as a provincial government public full-time school, is one of State-level Model Higher Vocational Institute.JSVIAT is located at Xuzhou, the central city in the Huaihai economic zone and one of the three metropolitan areas in JiangsuProvince. JSVIAT’s origin can be traced back to 1979 when “The Third Technology Institute of PLA Capital Construction Engineering Corps” was established. In July 1983, the school was under the management of the former Ministry of coal industry and renamed XuzhouCoalConstructionEngineeringSchool, and then it was upgraded to institute level by China’s Ministry of Education in 1999. In January 2011, the school was officially renamed as Jiangsu Construction Vocational and TechnicalCollege. h,!6cG,+9Lu4:5V
Located at Quanshan District in Xuzhou, the college covers an area of 1200 mu (80 hectares) with a gross floor area of 400,000 square meters. The total value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment is 210 million yuan. JSVIAT has a comprehensive range of fields covering 14 secondary schools, namely,Architectural Construction, Architectural Decoration, Architectural Intelligence, Architectural Management, Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Manufacturing, Information and Electronics Engineering, Art and Design, Economic Management, Marxism, General Courses, International Education, Continuing Education, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The school gathers almost 13,000 full-time students, and more than 9,800 registered students of continuing education. Based on the elegant campus environment, superior teaching facilities, and abundant cultural activities, so far, it has been awarded honorary titles of “Jiangsu civilized organization”, “Charming campus of National Vocational Colleges”, “Harmonious campus in Jiangsu Province”, “Safety and peaceful campus in Jiangsu Province”, “Garden-Style College in Jiangsu Province”, “ The first batch of green universities in Xuzhou”, “Advanced organization of Ideological and political education in Jiangsu Province”. Noticeably, the college owns the core culture of military, coal and architecture, along with the educational cultural systems of corporation and schoolmate. G1+9Pi7;7EI6-1T
To actively implement the strategy of strengthening the college by developing people’s talents, JSVIAT enjoys a gallery of well-qualified staffs. The staff totals more than 795, 71 of whom have professional titles, simultaneously, 277 with associate professional titles, 70 teachers with Phd degrees, and 567 with master degrees. It boasts of one “State-level Outstanding Teaching Team”, five “Provincial-level Outstanding Teaching Team”, six “State-level Model Teacher” and “Provincial-level Model Teacher”, and three “Middle-aged Expert with Prominent Contribution in JiangsuProvince”. There are also four provincial Blue Project scientific and technological innovation teams as well as nine Provincial six talent peaks high level talent training academic team. The school has won the honorary title of “advanced university in JiangsuProvince for the construction of teaching staff” for four times in a row, and is designated as national teacher training base of higher vocational colleges. W5?6UY6?5hR8=3U
Fundamentally, JSVIAT concentrates on the task of cultivating students with morality, which aims to the connotation construction of specialized courses, and the development of international celebrated majors, brand majors and special local-needed majors. Along with the development of the college, 3 construction professional clusters and 16 major clusters have been constructed. Presently, the college owns 1 national high-level professional group with Chinese characteristics, 4 national demonstration construction programs, 2 central government financially supported construction programs, 4 modern apprenticeship pilot programs from the Ministry of Education, two phase I project approval majors of Jiangsu university brand construction, 7 provincial high-level backbone majors, and 1 special need leading major of Xuzhou City. JSVIAT has also carried out “3+2” higher vocational step training pilot with Jiangsu Normal University and Nanjing Tech University in the field of Electrical Automation Technology, Hospitality Management, Construction Engineering Technology; “3+3” secondary vocational joint training pilot in the major of Steel Structural Engineering Technology, Intelligent Building Engineering Technology, Mechanical and Electronic Integration Technology, Quantity Surveying, and Computer Networking Technology with 8 secondary vocational schools in Xuzhou. The college has won 18 teaching achievement prizes and 35 quality courses at state and provincial level, 20 published national planning textbooks of vocational education, and 32 quality textbooks at or above the provincial level. According to the achievements, it has been honorably awarded as the “State-level Advanced Organization of Vocational Education” and “Jiangsu Advanced College of Teaching”. x9-2Bi5~3gc8;4f
JSVIAT attaches great importance to the construction of practice teaching conditions for the integration of production, learning, research, training and creation, and creates high-level teaching guarantee conditions. Equipped with 109 laboratories, 6 broad categories of practicing bases, namely, construction engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering, information media, economic management, environmental engineering, and mine mechatronics, cover about 100,984 square meters and own 15,737 sets of instruments. At present, there are 2 national training bases of construction engineering technology and coal mine safety technology; 2 provincial vocational integration of industry education training platforms; 1 open shared training base of Jiangsu construction engineering area, 1 concrete structure construction technology municipal vocational education production and education integration training platform, and 1 national vocational skill appraisal institute. The college has built a BIM center and BIM big data innovation base in Huaihai Economic Zone, built a BIM training center of China Housing Construction Association, and newly added 8 1+X professional certificate system pilots. As the leading organization, JSVIAT has established Jiangsu Construction Vocational Education Group and Huaihai Sservice Outsourcing Vocational Education Group, which are “Secretary general organization of Cooperation Association of Higher Vocational Colleges in Huaihai Economic Zone”, “Director general organization of the National Association of Higher Vocational College Journals”, “National Construction Industry Skills Training Base” and “Jiangsu Construction Industrialization Training Base”. Y2+3sB5+8Q08~9z
As the scientific and technological innovation continues to accelerate, the college gives great impetus on its service capabilities and attaches great importance to the integration of industries, schools, research, drills and creation. During the past 5 years, 586 scientific research projects, including 233 horizontal scientific research projects have been successfully approved, more than 23 million yuan and 56 million yuan of technical services have been received. Besides, it has 4 PCT(Patent Cooperation Treaty) , 204 inventions, 1974 patents, 564 software copyrights and 22 construction methods. Supported by the national higher vocational college teacher training base, the national vocational skill appraisal institute and JiangsuProvince construction industrialization talent training base, more than 37,000 people have been successfully trained in the past 3 years. Currently, there is 1 Jiangsu collaborative innovation center and 52 provincial and municipal scientific research platforms. In recent years, JSVIAT has won 69 provincial and municipal science and technology progress awards and science technology awards. The total amount of patent authorization ranks the first in the province’s higher vocational colleges, the second in the country's higher vocational colleges, and the college has won the honorary title of “AdvancedCollege of science and technology in JiangsuProvince” for eight consecutive years z3!7nv1;6mC2!,f
To promote the education internationalization and expand the channels for international communication and cooperation, JSVIAT has built cooperation relationship with 40 overseas higher institutions, such as SouthLanarkshireCollege in the UK, Institute of Technology Carlow in Ireland, QueenslandUniversity in Australia, University of Management and Economics in Cambodia, Technical College of Vientiane Province in Laos. Equipped with 4 Sino-Foreign Cooperative Education Projects, JSVIAT also adopts “3+0” and “2+1” programs with top overseas universities, which has admitted more than 700 international students from 19 countries. In addition, JSVIAT is also provincial level unit of “Talents for Special Purpose” in Jiangsu ,the first batch of “China-ASEAN vocational colleges” and Jiangsu Provincial Government Scholarship. On one hand, the college encourages students to study abroad and there are about 218 students who have the experiences of studying abroad; on the other hand, the college encourages teachers to do the teaching jobs or do some cooperative study abroad and there are 530 teachers who have the experiences of overseas training in more than 20 countries and areas. Besides, JSVIAT has established 5 branch campuses in Laos and Cambodia, where a “China-Cambodia Culture and LanguageResearchCenter” is located. Chinese teachers are responsibly stationed for a long time to provide language and skill training for foreign teachers and students. D3?2ov9=8qG8!,E
With the motto of cultivating students’ comprehensive quality & improving technical skills, and the spirit of pursuing truth and innovation, JSVIAT focuses on training high-quality technical and technical talents who has thick foundation, excellent skills, and strong enough to bear hardships. The college adheres to the principle of “to provide the most suitable education for each student, to make every student get the fullest development”. In recent years, the quality of talents cultivation has increasingly improved. Among all kinds of skill competitions, the students of JSVIAT have achieved remarkable results including 12 state-level first prizes, 13 provincial level first prizes, 17 first prizes in national industry competitions etc. The college insists on employment orientation, so it contributes to building nearly 600 stable training bases, which are technically advanced. Based on the cooperation with 29 well-known large-scale enterprises, the college has set up 50 enterprise-institutions and order-cultivation classes so as to facilitate the emerging of the high-quality technical talents, which are in a short supply. The college has built 36 Domestic Alumni Clubs and 1 Overseas Alumni Association to actively build a platform for the sustainable development of graduates. Graduates of JSVIAT are mainly employed in JiangsuProvince and East of China, and are mostly favored by employers. Many graduates have made achievements in well-known enterprises such as XCMG, Vanke Group, Third Engineering Bureau of China Construction , Eighth Engineering Bureau of China Construction, Tenth Engineering Bureau of China Railway, China Coal Construction Group, etc. According to the survey of authoritative institutions, our graduates' professional counterpart rate, salary, employment competitiveness index, satisfaction & recommendation for alma mater and other data are all in the forefront of similar universities in the province. It’s worth mentioning thatthe college has been honored as the advanced collective of College Students' employment work in Jiangsu Province for 8 consecutive years and its famous employment pracitices has evaluated as the model college by the Ministry of Education. G6=6uR5+3aB1.5q
In recent years, JSVIAT has been rated as one of the top 50 Vocational Colleges in China in terms of Employment, Teaching Resources, Social Service Contribution, International Influence and Influence in Asia Pacific vocational colleges. In September 2017, the college party committee put forward building a first-class national famous vocational school as the goal , and planned to implement six development strategies , that is strengthening the school with talents, innovation and promotion, serving the local areas, informatization, internationalization and happiness sharing to accelerate the college overall development . Entering a new era, JSVIAT will further emancipate their minds, comprehensively deepen reform, take morality education as the fundamental task, strive to promote high-quality development, and strive to build a first-class national famous vocational college. F9:4Zu5=9uD8=8z